Chapter 15

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"Kim goes down their frequently and comes back the next day unharmed." Em reasons.

"I don't care. I'm going to find Kim." I say stubbornly. I grab my coat and walk out the front door. I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around and see the whole group with their game faces on.

"I guess we're all going." Em tells me. She still looks a bit hesitant. I nod at her and we begin our trip towards the forest.

On to Chapter 15

Brad's POV

 We stopped in front of the thick swarm of trees. I tried to see farther into the forest but it was getting harder and harder since dark was coming soon. 

"How are we going to find Kim here? This forest covers acres of land!" Calum exclaimed. I shrugged.

"Damn." Tristan muttered when the sky was turning a shade of orange. We need to find her fast.

"Girls!" I heard Kim's faint voice in the distance. My head shot in the direction the voice came from and full on sprinted into the dense forest. Katniss up in here!

"Brad!" Luke called after me. I ignored him and kept running. I didn't hear any footsteps behind me so I guess I'm alone.

"Lions and tigers and bears." I mumbled. I stepped on a twig which made me shit in my pants.

"OH MY!" I screeched. 

It was pitch dark here now and I was frequently bumping into trees now and then. I gave up on searching and slumped down on the ground, under a tree. I layed my head against the trunk and fell asleep.

Kim's POV

Jess and Cara were leading me up the spiral staircase. They stopped onto what seemed like the 3rd floor and began walking down the dark hallway.

I was about to use the flashlight app on my phone but Cara stopped me.

"It's better if you don't see what's around us." Cara told me. I gulped and nodded my head. What is around us right now?

"And don't ask what's around here. It's better if you don't know." Jess added. 

"O-okay." I stuttered. It was really cold and my ass is getting numb. They stop abruptly in front of a door, making me to bump into Jess's back. I'm guessing it's Sarah's room.

"So, this is Sarah's room?" I ask nervously.

"Yup!" Cara replies cheerfully, popping the 'p'. She opens the door and we walk inside. I look around the room and it looks pretty normal. Blue walls, twin size bed, owl bed sheets. See? Normal. Besides the noose hanging from the ceiling...

"Why is the noose still there?" I question, pointing at it. Jess and Cara shrug.

"It doesn't feel right to take it down. It's suppose to be there. It won't be right to take it down and pass this room as a normal patient's room." Jess stated. I nodded in understanding and sat down on the tiled floor.

I checked the time and realized it was 3 am.

"I gotta go guys. I'll see ya soon. Yeah?" I told them. They nodded and we huddled around for selfies. After our usual selfies, the girls led me back down to the cluttered lobby.

I climbed out the doors and went to the usual tree. I should build another tree house here. Naw. I'm too lazy.

I climbed up to the top branch and sat down. I'm not even tired. I decided I'm gonna get into some trouble. I climbed back down and ran back to the asylum, ran past it and continued the opposite direction.

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