Chapter 24

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"I'll do it." Brad broke me out of my thoughts. I looked up and looked at him with joy clear in my eyes.

"Seriously?" I questioned. Brad nodded and kissed my forehead.


On to Chapter 24


Kim's POV

"Ok. Are you ready?" Tori asks Bradley quizzically. He looked more determined than ever but the hint of fear still shown in his eyes.

"Wait." I said just before the needle made contact with Brad's hand. He looked at me confusedly and Tori rolled her eyes.

"Are you sure you want to do this? I don't want to feel like I'm pressuring you into anything you might regret." I panicked. Brad chuckled and kissed me softly on the cheek.

"Like I said, I'm sure of it." Brad assured and I nodded at Tori who gladly continued.

Tori brought the needle close to Brad's hand and I tightened my grip on Brad's hand as the needle made contact on his tan skin.

Brad hissed and bit his lip. I watched the blood run down his hand and fingers. His luscious golden skin faded into a plain, dull skin. It was like watching his life bleed out with his blood.


 Steph's body falls onto the bloody tile floors. I stare at her dull eyes. Paramedics push me out of the way as they put Steph's lifeless body onto a stretcher and cover a blanket over her already barely covered body.


 I shook my head to erase my thoughts. But the image wouldn't leave. Then sense was knocked into me. You can erase thoughts but you can't erase memories.

I didn't realize that Brad sat up until he wrapped his newly bandaged hand around my waist.

"Something wrong, babe?" Brad asked worriedly. I shook my head and rest it on top of his shoulder. Brad kissed me softly on the lips. Without thinking I kiss back.

Then it hit me.

We're not even dating.

I push him away and look down at my lap. I start to nervously fiddle with my fingers. I glance back up at Brad and examine his face.

By the way his eyes had a slight blur and kept blinking non-stop, he was trying all of his might not to cry. Why am I such a huge fuck up?

Everyone around me is in danger because of me. I will either break you mentally or physically. Even when I don't try. The only person who I haven't hurt or driven away is Emily. And Bradley. I managed to keep them stay.

My parents don't care about me. They ran away from me. They're scared of me.

I've hurt more than 50 people. Put at least 20 of those in the hospital. And I've killed 7.



I have killed 7 individuals. 

Just let that sink in for a second.

ICD. Impulse Control Disorder.

 I hide it pretty well. But I have to take piles on piles of pills. 70% of mentally ill patients that take the pills will do nothing to them. 20% of patients will make them crazier and 10% of the rest of patients will actually help them.

I'm .1 of the lucky 10%.

People tested me for it when I was taken away.  They thought that was the reason I killed Steph. Of course I agreed 'cause honestly, I wanted to get out of there as fast as I possibly could.

"Ello? Kim? You okay there?" I look back up at Brad and I bite my lip when I see his sad face.

"Hm?" I ask nervously. Brad shifts back and force on his feet.

"Wanna leave? I already paid." Brad suggests. I nod and stand up. We walk down the street and the guilt has been eating me alive. 

I try to reach out for his hand but he obliges by putting them in his jacket pockets.

 I brush it off physically, but actually I'm hurt.

Tears brim my eyes and I quickly blink them away. I've basically blinked 182 times, to the point where I tripped and fell. I hissed and looked at my scraped palms and my now ripped black jeans.

People stared and people snickered.

The worst part is that Brad didn't even stop to help me. I stood up by stupidly using my scraped palms, which left two bloody hand prints on the sidewalk.

I groaned when some three guys about 2-3 years older than me pushed me back down. Then ran down the busy street before I could get to them.

They pushed me hard enough for me to hit my head on the already bloodied concrete. I felt my head crack when my skull and cement collided.

I touched my head and felt warm liquid. How many times have I hit my head during the past two weeks. A lot. I should probably get it checked. But knowing Kimmy would eventually heal it or take over until it did heal, I decide against it.

I stand up and surprised when I don't get pushed down again. I walk over to a nearby alley and stare at a piece of glass on the ground.

No, I don't harm. I actually hate mirrors. It reminds me of the monster I am. I stomp on the glass shard until it breaks. I then walk over the faded brick wall and stare at it for a few seconds. I have the sudden urge to punch it.

I give it one angered punch. But then I find myself punching it over and over again. I feel someone wrap their arms around my waist and pull me away. I didn't realize I was crying until I felt droplets of water hit my hand.

There was a burning sensation to hurt someone or something.  Since the closest thing was the pair of arms around me, it'll have to do.

I start clawing at the person's arms behind me. I heard a yelp when I dragged my fingernails across his skin, drawing blood out from his untouched skin.

"Ow Kim. Stop." I heard Brad's familiar voice behind me. I snap my out of my violent daze and stop. I fall to the floor when Bradley unwrapped his arms behind me. 

"Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry, Bradley. I didn't know it was you." I panic. Brad looks at me and his bleeding arms. He takes a shaky breath and runs his hand through his hair.

"No it's fine. It's my fault. I should've told you it was me." Brad tells me. He steps forward and tries to reach for my hand. I step back and my back hits the brick wall. Brad takes another step towards me and puts both of his arms beside my head.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, Kimberly." Brad whispers, his lips awfully close to mine. 

"But I don't want to hurt you. Literally." I say and point to his scratches. Brad chuckles.

"If tiny scratches is the cost for loving you, then so be it." Brad says and smashes his lips on mine.


Hey guys! I hope you like this chapter!

Everyone has seen the Night Changes music video right? And the 5sos cover for What I Like About You their new song Just Saying? AND Girls on TV by The Vamps? RIGHT? RIGHT?


Ok, bye my lovelies!

-Danielle Xxx

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