Chapter 20

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 I unplugged my guitar and chugged some of the coke in my cooler. There was a loud bang outside so looked out the window. There stood my four annoying neighbors, my best friend, and four other idiots.

"What?" I snapped. I was not in the mood.

"What happened to you?" James asked me, looking at my smudged make up and messy hair. 

"I got high and got laid." 

On to Chapter 20


Ashton's POV

The guys and I were rehearsing a song Calum and I wrote and it was pretty awesome. We were interrupted by Kim coming into the garage. We stopped playing and looked at her confusingly.

"Um. Hey, Kim?" Calum said, confused.

"Oh, hi. Sorry for interrupting your practicing." Kim apologized. I raised an eyebrow. Kim, nice? 

"It's no problem, love. What's up?" I ask politely. I really regret doing that to Kim last week. 

"I just...I want to do a cover with you." Kim whispered, looking down at her feet.

"Ok. What song?" Michael questioned her.

"Do you even know how to sing?" Luke asked rudely. I gave Luke a cold galre as Kim looked uncomfortably at the ground.

"Luke!" Calum hissed. Luke shrugged.

"I'm pretty sure she can sing, Luke. I know Kim can sing. Remember last week?" Michael reminded Luke. I nodded along.

"She was just lip singing. She's not even good." Luke reasoned. Kim's bottom lip quivered and she ran out of the garage.

"Kim!" I yelled out. I ran out of the garage with Calum and Micheal, Luke stayed behind. Laughing his ass off.

I watched as Kim ran down the street at lightning speed. It seemed like she was getting faster and faster by the second. Didn't she dislocate her ankle today though? Shit. But there was this black mist around her, engulfing her small body.

By this time, Calum and Michael gave up but I can't just let Kim run away. I tried running to her, but she was already there, in the woods. I stopped running and was breathing heavily.

Why does Luke have to be such a dick to her?

I jogged back to the garage. Seeing a tired Calum and Michael, and a smirking Luke. I shoved Luke back.

"The fuck, man?! Why are you such a dick to Kim?!" I question Luke, infuriated. He scoffed and regained his balance.

"That bitch deserved everything that comes to her." Luke tells me. I roll my eyes.

"Dude, that was fucking three years ago! Your little bitch is the one that deserved to die!" I screamed at Luke.

"No she fucking didn't! Kim killed Steph! She was everything to me!" Luke yelled. My features soften and I lower my voice, calming myself.

"Kim didn't kill Steph for nothing. Kim has suffered so much for so long because of Steph. Yeah, killing Steph wasn't the greatest idea, but Steph is in the wrong too." I say softly and walk inside Luke's house.

Brad's POV (It's night time by the way.)

"Kim didn't kill Steph for nothing. Kim has suffered so much for so long because of Steph. Yeah, killing Steph wasn't the greatest idea, but Steph is in the wrong too." I hear Ashton say softly to Luke and I hear a door open and slam back shut.

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