Hey Everyone! 💕

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Hello there, Lovely readers!

It's been a while, hasn't it? Three years to be exact. Back then, I was a novice writer with abundance of enthusiasm. I wrote for the absolute joy of it, It was my safe thing, My coping mechanism (Still is BTW)!

Fast forward to today, and I'm a changed writer, transformed by the experience of life, education, and so many other things. I'm so eager to share my improved storytelling skills with you all but only after I've finished editing my first work like it is said "A person's first work is the most cherished memory upon which other stories are built, it holds a special place in a writer's heart, never to be abandoned!

The question that's been lingering in my mind is, do people still read books on Wattpad? I hope the answer is a resounding 'yes', and I can't wait to find out!

So, how have you all been during these past three years? Let's catch up, reconnect, and embark on a new writing journey together.

Your support still remain the fuel that drives my passion for writing. I'm excited to embark on this next chapter with you all, and I hope you'll enjoy the journey as much as I do!

I've missed you all ! Trust me !

Just the two of us (EDITING)✔️Where stories live. Discover now