Chapter Eleven

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What is Ya Afaan doing here? Wait, I'm just being elusive. Maybe if I close my eyes and open he'll disappear.

I turn and look over my shoulders, and he was still there, staring at me, I had the urge to touch him, just to be sure he's really the one and I wasn't going crazy, just couldn't fathom it all out, I mean, no one should be allowed to look that good.

He looked absolutely handsome. I have to run away from this man. I was about to step away when the MC announced the bride's arrival, and I was stuck here with him. We did the entrance dance and I just stood there like a statue.

"Kanwar Amarya (bride's sister), why are you not dancing? We know you can dance. Or is it the gentleman...?"

Don't say it. Don't say it...

"And you guys make a perfect match, or what do you guys think? " He said it.

"Well, thank you, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you, bridesmaids and groomsmen, for bringing our beautiful bride, Fatima Ummi Shattima, and our handsome groom, Doctor Adeel Murtala... You may all take your seats."

I was at table two, and unfortunately, I was paired up with Ya Afaan again. I brought out my phone and texted Zara and Munira in our group chat.

Me: Thank you so much, guys. 😒

Munira: Didn't know anything about this. 🤐

Zara: He spoke about a wedding, but I swear I didn't know it was this wedding. I'm so uncomfortable right now. 😬

Me: can this get any worse...??

"Now can we please have Khadija Afrah, the bride's sister, and the groom's brother and best friend, to make a speech and perhaps have a little dance-off?" the MC announced, and the crowd laughed.

Me: Why did I type that? 😩

Zara: This is going to be fun 🤭

Munira: Guy, don't let us down. There's a prize on that dance-off. 💃

"Please, is Miss Afrah present...?" The MC asked again.

No, I'm absent, you numskull. I got up from my seat and headed towards the MC with the little confidence I managed to summon.

"Gorgeous , walk with the gentleman now." Ya Allah, what the heck is wrong with this MC? I just wanted the ground to open up and swallow me.

MC's are usually annoying , but this is top tier.

I continued walking and collected the microphone. I can't wait to get this over with. Allah...

"Assalamu alaikum..." we both said.

"Ladies first," he said, smirking, and the crowd cooed.

**Affan's P.O.V.**
I've been so busy with Adeel's wedding that I forgot about her. It's been a long time since I thought about her, and here she is today, standing right next to me looking so pretty.

I caught her eyes before she caught mine, and she looks startled seeing me there. I try to play it off and ignore her, but someone like her isn't easy to ignore.

"And you guys make a perfect match, or what do you guys see?" he asked the crowd, and I looked over at her. She looked like this is the last place she wants to be.

Coincidentally, I found myself sitting next to her again. I remembered the rehearsal, and I realized I was supposed to have to dance with her, and I wasn't up for such nonsense. I texted Bullz because he wasn't here yet. I rolled my eyes, knowing Bullz and his ways of always coming late to places.

Just the two of us (EDITING)✔️Where stories live. Discover now