Chapter Six

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I heard laughter and decided to check out what was amusing them knowing Mahmud's playful nature I wasn't really curious. I strolled through the balcony and found him laughing and goofing around with Zara and her two friends. I scanned the group and my eyes landed on Afraah, who was wearing tight fitting clothes.

"So shameless," I thought, squinting my eyes and clearing my throat. "Umm, umm..." I made my presence known.

"Well done, Bulls. I've been waiting for you outside, and here you are fanboying ," I said.

Bulls looked at me and whispered to the girls, "Close your ears; the killjoy is here." They all laughed, he was clearly already their friend to make such jokes. Afraah laughed the loudest, probably because she thought the same of me.

I gazed at her from head to toe and sensed her embarrassment, though she was trying to put on a brave face.

"I'm happy to make your acquaintance, beautiful," Mahmud tried to clear the awkwardness.

"Oh Lord, cliché, typical Mahmud," I thought.

"And I yours," she replied with a smile.

Oh, so she smiles.


We had finished our first-semester exams, and I was finally heading back to Kaduna. I missed being there, Kaduna is so fun, being around my family especially, I thought as I finished packing my pink Chanel trolley, which I usually use when traveling. I was off to Kaduna.

I arrived home around 4:30PM , feeling utterly exhausted. I knocked on the door. I hadn't informed Mommy or anyone that I was coming back because she would surely ask me to wait for Munira, and I wasn't ready for that, to be honest.

Zain opened the front door holding a large cup of ice cream. I smiled widely and playfully chided him, "Hey, shut it, there are flies around."

"Is that how to welcome a guest in Sokoto?" I asked as I entered the house, scooting past him.

"Wait, where's the guest?" he asked, confused.

"Baby brother, you're still not funny. Be a good boy and take this upstairs," I said, shoving my bag at him. "Oh, and this," I added, smirking as I handed him more bags and headed to the living room.

"Hey, everyone! Guess who's back?" I shouted. Adda Ummi turned and rolled her eyes dramatically, while Harri ran toward me.

"Adda Dijaaa!" she shouted, and I pulled her closer for a hug.

"You're still my favorite baby girl. I missed you."

"I missed you more, Adda Dija. This house has been so boring without you. I'm stuck with Buzzkill and this dork," she said, pointing at Zain.

"Now what? Kid sister, it's not enough that everyone thinks we're twins you also ruin my life at home," Zain lamented.

"You should be..." she started to retort, but her words trailed off as Mommy emerged from the stairs.

"She just got back. Please let her rest," Mommy urged.

I released myself from Harri's grip and rushed towards Mommy. "My lovely mother!" I shouted and hugged her.

"Dije, you'll never change. How are you? You didn't tell us you were coming back today. Go rest and pray, okay? If not, these two will not leave you alone," she said. That's my mother, always worrying about us.

"I'm coming back for you three dorks. Let me just take my bath and pray," I grinned and walked up to my room. Home sweet home, I thought as I unlocked my room sniffing the VIP tularen Incense I had burned before leaving for school , nothing had been moved, and it was exactly how I left it.

Feels good to be back home.

Just the two of us (EDITING)✔️Where stories live. Discover now