Chapter Three: Meeting The Mysterious Boy

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Here's another glorious chapter, I really hope you enjoy it. Wellz, I'll leave you to it.

Kitten Marie out.


Chapter Three: Meeting The Mysterious Boy

Sebastian's P.O.V



I  turned towards a corridor and looked to my left, there was a kitchen filed with an expertly cleaned stove, counter tops, a wooden dining table, holding a single chair. There were cabinets, but they were a bit dusty from not having been used in a while.

I noticed a bin on the floor and peered into it. There were various baking materials, pots, pans, spoons, measuring cups, bowls, small plates, and a few handfuls of utensils.


I continued down the hall, peering into open doors and not really impressed. It was a typical cottage, two bedrooms, one bathroom, the bare necessities....the usual.

There was something puzzling me though....if they say a child lives here, where were the toys? The TV, the sweets, the stuffed animals?

What kind of kid didn't have any of this stuff lying around somewhere?


Realizing that I was taking more time than necessary to scope out the place, I finished my walk down the hall and stopped in front of the last door. Holding my breath, I put my hand on the doorknob and twisted to the left.

After hearing a 'click,' I pushed the door open and gasped.

 Amy and Ron had the poor boy pinned down to a chair in the center of the room. The boy had tears running down his face, and he was whimpering like mad. With an inhuman growl and a puff of my cheeks, I stepped into the room and pushed them away from him.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys, he's just a boy! What made you idiots think that this would somehow get him to talk?" I snapped, placing myself protectively in front of him.

"Don't let that pretty face fool you sir, he's a vicious little demon spawn!" Ron yelled, getting a nod from Amy.

"He's right sir, that little thing tried to bite me!"

I raised my brow at her and inclined my head to the right, "what were you doing when he tried to bite you?"

With a heated blush growing across her face, she pointedly glared at the ground. I cleared my throat in impatience, smiling when she jumped.

"I'm waiting."

With a heavy sigh, she lifted her glare towards me and mumbled, "tying him to the chair."

With another growl, I turned around and untied the boy, and watched as he sniffled and rubbed around his wrists. With a sympathetic look, I handed him my damp handkerchief and turned back to them.

"He looks completely demonic to me right now," sarcasm dripped from my words, a snarl taking it's place across my lips.

Ron opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by a scream elicited from Amy's foul throat. I went to ask her what her problem was, and saw she was pointing to the boy behind me.

I turned around and saw that he was now standing up and hugging himself across his torso. My eyes softened as I felt pity for the young lad, how could anyone even think of tying him up. I was so busy thinking about this, that I hadn't noticed him drop his arms was now racing towards me.

Before I could react, he threw himself into my arms and wrapped himself around my body. I swiftly took a step to the left as a ninja star soared through the space I'd previously been standing in. I lifted my head and glared at Amy.

She swiftly lowered her arm and bowed her head, "I'm sorry, I thought he was going to hurt you."

"Do I look like I'm in pain?" I said with a deadly whisper, causing Amy and Ron to shiver at my menacing tone.

"N-no but he could'v-" Ron started, trying to come to Amy's defense, but I held up a hand to silence him.

"Both of you. Get out."

With a look of unsurety, they hesitated. "Now, and you better make sure no one comes back in here."

With a swift nod, they quickly made their way out of the room, silently closing the door behind them.

After making sure they'd really gone, I slid to the floor with the boy still in my arms. I gave him a comforting hug,  waited for him to get his bearings before asking him his name.and

He shyly looked up at me and blinked, "m-my n-name is C-Ciel.....C-Ciel Ph-Phantomhive."

Ciel's P.O.V

Rule Number 6: You will never, under any circumstances, talk to anyone while you are in the cottage, or you will face serious consequences.

I'd broken rule number six (6)....after all these years of never talking to a single soul before this day, I'd broken one of the rules my mother had given me.

What if this man told her? What if he was sent here to test me and I failed? What if-

"Nice to meet you Ciel, my name is Sebastian, Sebastian Michaelis."

"I....I'm not suppposed to be talking to you Sebastian....I...." I stuttered, unsure of my voice, as I hadn't heard it in years.

"Why aren't you allowed to talk to me?" He asked, peering down at me with a curious look.

I opened my mouth to answer, but closed it again, I couldn't get into more trouble than I already was. I climbed out of his lap and went over to my dresser. I pulled open the first drawer and slid my hand all the way to the back until I felt resistance.

After a bit of shuffling, I felt the slip of paper graze my fingertips and I pulled.

I walked over to Sebastian after closing the drawer and presented him the cream colored paper with my rules written on it. He pulled me back down onto his lap and then grabbed the paper, making a blush appear on my face.

Well then.

I sat there in slight discomfort, as I've never touched another man in any kind of way the way I am right now. It felt natural, but I had so many questions. Was his body like mine? Was it normal to feel like I do for another man? Did he feel the same about me?

My thoughts were interrupted by a grunt. I shook my head and peered up, Sebastian had gone completely stiff and his face was turnig red. There was a vein popping out from the side of his neck, and despite my self-control, I couldn't help but poke it.

Giggling, I watched as it pulsed under his skin, feelins slightly amazed that it was still in his body and not attached to the outside of it. I was so entranced by it, that I let out a disgruntled sigh when it began to disappear.

"Who gave you this?"

His voice was low and scary, causing me to jump in surprise and fear. How had his voice gone so deep that quick?

"Ciel." He barked, gently but firmly grabbing me by my shoulders and turning me around so I was looking him in the eyes. "Who gave you these rules?"

I bowed my head in shame and tilted it to the left, jerking in the direction of a potrait sitting on top of my desk. The only thing sitting up there other than a few sheets of paper and a couple pencils.

Sebastian looked over and his face went red again.

"Who is that?" He whispered out, a certain tone in his voice that I couldm't quite place.

"My mother."


A/N: Wellz, there's your chapter, I really hope you like it. I'm sorry for the long delay, my wifi hasn't been acting like itself, it's been going on and off and I'm trying to get it fixed. Welps, until I can, updates will be spotty and long in between. Until next time, bye loves.

Kitten Marie out.

He Will Be The Death Of Me (Ciel x Sebastian (AU))Where stories live. Discover now