Chapter Four: Tell Me Everything

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Chapter Four: Tell Me Everything

Sebastian's P.O.V



"Ciel." He barked, gently but firmly grabbing me by my shoulders and turning me around so I was looking him in the eyes. "Who gave you these rules?"

I bowed my head in shame and tilted it to the left, jerking in the direction of a portrait sitting on top of my desk. The only thing sitting up there other than a few sheets of paper and a couple pencils.

Sebastian looked over and his face went red again.

"Who is that?" He whispered out, a certain tone in his voice that I couldm't quite place.

"My mother."


I stared at him in horror.

Never in all my life have I heard of something so unspeakable. I don't care what her excuse or reasoning for doing this to a poor child would give her even the slightest inkling that this was in any way, shape, or form okay.

I closed my eyes and looked away from him, not wanting him to see my anger.

He whimpered and tried to crawl away from me, but I only held him closer. This boy in my arms was sent here to be secluded, but I have yet to figure out why his mother had done this. Ciel whimpered again, weakling pushing at my arms and trying to escape my grasp but I wouldn't remove my arms.

"What are you doing?" I asked, as he made his third attempt at escaping me.

Keyword here is attempt.

"You're disgusted i-in me a-aren't you? Y-you won't l-look at m-me because y-you just r-realized that my m-mother did right by leaving me h-here...." He whispered, a broken sob escaping his lips.

I looked down at him in disbelief, "that's not how I see you at all. I didn't want to look at you because I was afraid that you would see how angry I was with your mother and assume it was aimed towards you. I am not disgusted in you, if anything your mother repulses me."

He looked up at me with his doe like eye, dark blue glazed over with tears.

"R-really?" He asked, wiping under his nose.

I nodded, "really."

He let out a great big sigh and threw his face into my chest, wrapping his tiny arms around my waist. I held him closer and rubbed his back, whispering sweet things into his ear.

I pulled back a tad bit so I could look into his eye, only now realizing that his right eye had a bandage over it. I cocked my head to the side and shrugged my shoulders. I'll leave that alone for now, but at this moment I need to focus on the situation at hand.

"Ciel hun, would you mind telling me why your mother gave you those rules and sent you to live here?" I made my voice as gentle as possible, I couldn't force him to tell me, not that I really wanted to.

He bowed his head and began to shake again.

"Hey don't cry, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to okay? I don't have to know." I hushed, pulling him back against me and holding him tight.

He began to viciously shake his head no and tried to talk through his tears, "n-no. I-I w-want to tell y-you."

I slowly nodded my head, keeping silent as he began his tale.

"I once asked my mother, Anastasia, why s-she hated me so, I remember asking her why s-she didn't just give me away to my dad or s-something, and s-she told me this. S-she'd s-said that s-she was of a high class, a noble if you will, s-so s-she was held in the highest esteem there ever was. S-she told me that I could never s-see or hear from my father because he was of one of the lowest classes, a farmhand. S-she'd told me that his name was Joseph Riche and that he would've been a very fine nobleman, but he was s-simply born to the wrong family.

"S-she told me that one night, during a lapse of her better judgment, s-she went to his house and s-stayed the night. S-she told me that things happened, and nine months later I was born. S-she told me how ashamed  I made her feel, and how I'd brought a great disgrace to her and her family name. S-she s-said that s-she had thought of a way to hide me away from the public.

"S-she s-said s-she didn't want to kill me, because s-she would be in even more of a debacle than she was in now. S-she'd s-said didn't want to s-sell me either, because not only was s-she was better than that, but in some way I would always link back to her. I would always be a constant reminder of her s-sin, and  s-she didn't want that. Oh no, s-she s-said s-she couldn't think of any better way to get rid of me and keep a close eye on me, than to lock me away in this cottage."

The whole time he was speaking, I grew angrier and angrier. Not only did she refuse to marry the man she bore a son with because of his social class, but she put all of the blame on the poor babe. How could anyone be so narcissistic?

"S-so you s-see? It is my f-fault that I h-have to live h-here i-in s-solitude." He whispered a few minutes after he'd finished speaking, causing me to stare at him in disbelief.

"It's not your fault, your mother committed the crime, not you. you weren't even born when she did it, the onyl to blame for anything that happened is your mother. As far as I'm concerned you're a victim in her scandal, not the other way around." I said, pulling his chin up to look at me.

He looked into my eyes as his began to water.

"D-do you r-really m-mean that?" He asked, his voice sounded tired and broken.

My heart crushed as tears slipped down his cheeks, his eye seemed to plead with me to never leave or betray him. That plead I would gladly swear by.

I nodded my head with a small smile on my face, "with all my heart."

He smiled at me through his tears, collapsing against my chest and closing his eyes. He let out a heavy sigh and yawned, causing me to let out a small chuckle.

"Why don't you go to bed, and we can talk about this more in the morning." I whispered into his ear, stroking his wonderfully soft hair.

"O-okay." He whispered back, his eye closing not a second later.

I looked down at the angel in my arms and vowed to never allow anyone to hurt him anymore than he'd already been hurt. I vowed that this would be the last day that he'd have to suffer at the hands of anyone.

I vowed to always stay by his side until he needed me no more, and even then I will always be by his side.


A/N: Wellz, there's your update. I really hope you liked it, I worked really hard on it just for you guys. Welps, I has to go now, the library is closing!! :( Welps, until next time.

Kitten Marie out.

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