Chapter Six: Off To The Castle We Go

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Here's another glorious chapter, hope you enjoy it. I listening to Death Cab For Cutie and I'm just like....yesssssss. They're like heaven to my ears. This update will be longer than normal, I'm trying to make up for all the short chapters and late, irregular updates. Love me mykittenslove me!! JKread on my lovelies.

Kitten Marie out.

Chapter Six: Off To The Castle We Go

Sebastian's P.O.V


"Ron, not only did you directly disobey my orders twice in the span of two days, but you also challenged and insulted me all in one breath. You have questioned my judgment and my title, and for that I am demoting you. Congratulations, you are now the house chef."

Grinning to myself, I turned and walked back to the front door, smirking even more when I saw his heartbroken face.

I put my hand on the doorknob and paused, "oh and Ron?"

He looked up with tears in his eyes, almost making feel bad for him. Almost.

"If anyone, and I mean anyone, so much as even knocks on this door, your demotion will go far lower than chef, and I won't even consider giving you your old job back. Is that understood?"

He fiercely shook his head, hope in his eyes at the thought of me giving him his old job.

That's the problem with Ron, he never thinks before he acts or speaks, that's how he gets into trouble most of the time. With a shake of my head, I twisted the knob and stepped into the dark cottage.

Shutting the door behind me, I made my way down the hall and back to the boy I'd sworn to protect with my life.

My Ciel.

I knocked on the door and held my breath.

There was the sound of sheets ruffling, before there was a shuffling movement behind the door. The lock clicked and the knob turned.

'When had the door been locked?' I thought to myself.

The door swung open and Ciel appeared in my line of sight. His shirt was hanging off of one shoulder, his hair was askew, and he had tears dripping down his face. He looked so....adorable.

"Oh hun." I whispered.

I then gathered him into my arms and kicked the door shut, walking over to the bed. I moved the covers aside, and gently set him down. This may seem like an easy task, but the boy wouldn't release his hold on my neck.

As cute as it was, I wouldn't be able to accomplish anything if he didn't let go.

"Ciel, I need you to remove your arms for a second, okay?" I whispered softly, hoping he would comply.

"P-please don't g-go." He sobbed into my shoulder, causing my heart to shatter.

"No of course not baby, I'm not going anywhere. I just need to turn off the light and tuck you in, it'll only take a second." I persuaded.

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