Chapter Two: Inside The Cottage

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Here's another glorious update after years of waiting, I really hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it.

Kitten Marie out.


Chapter Two: Inside The Cottage

Sebastian's P.O.V



I turned to my left and glared, but that turned into a creepy smile when a plan slithered it's way into my thoughts.

"Hey Thomas?" I called, taking a step towards him.

"Ye- what are you doing? Why are you coming towards me?" Thomas spluttered, taking two steps back to every step I took forward.

"How about a hug for your old pal?" I gave him a fake pouty face and stretched my arms towards him.

Horror crossed his face as he turned and tried to run from me, unfortunately that didn't work well in his favor.

He slipped on a conveniently placed wet patch of grass and fell, face first, into a puddle of mud.


 I laughed like a mad man as he struggled to stand up, only managing to sit up before slipping into the mud again. Hot tears fell down my cheeks as I slapped my knees with the palm of my hand, his struggling was simply marvelous.

He gave up and just laid in the puddle, only lifting his head to glare at me, "come over here and help me up. Why are you laughing, this is not funny!?!"

"You....would be....correct....this is indeed not's rather hilarious!!" I choked out through the cackles leaving my throat, laughing harder when he continued to murderously stare at me.

After a few seconds, I stood upright and wiped the tears from my face. I cautiously stepped over to him, making sure to be ever so careful around the slippery bits of grass located here and there.

I crouched down in front of him and held out my hand. He firmly grasped my hand and heaved himself up. He stumbled a bit, but held tight onto my arm so he wouldn't fall again. I led him away from the puddle and towards the mouth of the forest.

"Which way did you say it was again?" I asked, turning in a circle to examine the trees.

They were so very beautiful, of course they weren't perfect, but that could be easily fixed. When I received no response from Thomas, I turned to find him furiously swiping at his face and then his petticoat. I stifled a chuckle as I watched on, the mud on his cheeks were already beginning to crust over, as the rain had miraculously slowed to a light drizzle.

Thomas glared up at the clouds, murmuring a few choice words and returning his glare towards me.

"What's so funny?"

I threw my hands up and took a step back, "absolutely nothing. I was just wondering which way we were supposed to go."

He glared at me and returned to scrubbing his face, "go that way."

I looked towards where his finger was pointing to, and realized I was a few paces off. I nodded my thanks and proceeded into the leaves. I slowly trekked through the trees, marveling at all the different colored flowers I'd discovered lay behind these large leaves.

He Will Be The Death Of Me (Ciel x Sebastian (AU))Where stories live. Discover now