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       Dee Dee allowed Adina to cast a spell on her that would allow her to be invisible. After Adina left the linen closet to seek out her parents, Dee Dee followed the instructions Adina gave her. As Adina spoke to her parents, Dee Dee swiftly walked out of the library. Her goal was to get to Adina's father's study. 

      Adina stood in front of her parents. They both gave her firm looks but Adina kept her eyes on their eyes. If she took them away, her untruthfulness would have been ever more obvious. 

       "That was me." Adina said to them. Her hands behind her back. "I fell." 

        Her parents exchanged looks with one another and her mother stepped forward. "You're not becoming friends with this girl, are you?" Her mother asked as she walked around her daughter, sizing the fourteen year old up. 

       "Do you take us for fools, dear?" Her father let out a little chuckled. He watched his daughter shake her head. "Of course not. So what do you plan to do with this girl? Apparently you don't plan to do what we desire you to." 

       "I mean..." Adina started. She didn't really know how to say it to her parents. She was so used to being the only child in the castle, in the entire area of the west that Adina admitted she enjoyed the time she spent with this human girl from another realm. Her shoulders simply went up then down; there was really no words for her to describe what she was doing or why she was doing it. She supposed the easiest explanation she could give her parents was that she was lonely. "I don't know," she started again. "I...guess...I just wanted someone to talk to."

       Adina's mother walked back to her father. They stood beside one another. It was apparent what their minds were conjuring. Adina sighed and hoped Dee Dee was close to finding her shoes; the air was getting thick and even Adina found herself getting a bit awkward. 

       Her mother knelt just a bit to become the same height as her daughter. "Adina, if you choose to be friends with this Dorothy, you know what it will entail." With a curl of her hand, her and her husband were gone, leaving Adina by herself. 

  Once Dee Dee entered into the study, the spell wore off and she was able to see herself again. She ran to a mirror which hung on the wooden walls near a bookcase. She gazed at herself in the mirror, touched her face and her clothes. There was nothing wrong making sure all of her was there. She let out a little breath and ran to the desk. Sitting on the chair behind Adina's dad's desk was her pair of red, glittering heels. Dee Dee quickly put them on and clicked her heels three times.   


       Dee Dee slammed onto her bed, doing such made her side hurt. She thought the healing spell Adina gave her cured it but apparently it still had some healing to do. Dee Dee kicked her heels under the bed but before she could settle down, her door swung open. She snapped her neck to see her mom standing in the hallway. There were tears in her mom's eyes, and she was holding her hands to her mouth. 


       Her mother rushed to her and hugged her. The hug was tight enough to make Dee Dee gasp for breath. She finally pulled away but kept her hands on Dee Dee's shoulders. "We were so worried about you."

       Time-the time, Dee Dee hadn't checked her cell phone. 

       "How long have I been gone?" Dee Dee asked. 

       Her mother looked up at her. "Four days, Dorothy...four days!" 


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