Chapter 1

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I awoke hyperventilating in a pool of sweat. Tikki instantly rose and came to my aid. "Marinette, what's wrong? did you have another nightmare?"

I tried to slow my breathing to have even a chance to reply "Um... Yeah, I guess I did." I didn't know what to make of it. It was always the same; reoccurring, never changing. What was wrong with me? 

"Was it the same one again?" Tikki could always read my mind like a book. 

"Yeah, I don't know what's the matter... Tikki, has this ever happened to any other Ladybug's?"

"Not that I know of, Maybe we could ask Master Fu and see what he thinks?"

"That sounds like a good idea. I feel like this is more than just a dream... Or maybe I'm finally going crazy." 

Tikki giggled, "You're not going crazy Marinette. If anything, It's probably just the stress you're under. Maybe we could take a lazy day and just bake all day today?"

"That sounds like fun, but I can't. I'm going out with Alya and Nino, remember? Plus, I think Adrien's gonna be there!" I started smiling. My mind felt clear, the thought of Adrien always did the trick. If only he could ever feel that way about me. 

"That sounds perfect for you Marinette. In the meantime, we should probably go back to sleep."

"Back to sleep?" I felt wide awake. I looked over at my alarm clock. 2 AM!!! "Oh my gosh, wellll that probably would be best." 

Tikki floated back to her spot on the bed and started to get comfortable. I adjusted my pillow and grabbed hold of my stuffed animal. I can't wait until later, perhaps today is the day. I snuggled under my blanket and peacefully dozed off.


Slowly I opened my eyes. Surprisingly I didn't have another dream, or at least I couldn't remember. I yawned and stretched out my arms and legs. I looked over at my alarm clock IT'S ALMOST 10, IM GONNA BE LATE. I screamed while jumping out of the bed, waking up Tikki in shock once more. As fast as I could I changed into my outfit and grabbed my purse. Tikki followed behind me and plunged inside. I raced down the stairs and ran into the bathroom to check on myself. Yikes, I look terrible! "Good morning Marinette, you're up a little later than usual." I looked over to see my mom preparing food for today's regular rush of customers. 

"Hey mom, I overslept... I need to move faster" I started viciously brushing my teeth and hair. 

"Well don't move too quickly or you'll miss a spot." She laughed at her own poor joke.  "Do you want a croissant on the way out, dear?"

"Yes please, that'd be amazing," I said finishing up on my mascara. "Thank you!"

"No problem at all" My mom grabbed four freshly made croissants from the display case.

I walked out of the bathroom and shut the door. "I'm not that hungry mom" 

"Oh I know, these are for your friends."

"Oh... well then why are there four? I'm only meeting Alya and Nino." 

My mom gave me a look "Are you sure...?" Instantly I realized what she meant and my face grew red.

"I'm pretty sure Adrien's not coming," I said defensively.

"Well take it anyways, I insist"

I sighed, a gave up arguing and grabbed all the baked goods. "Alright, thanks. Love you mom, I'll see you later."

"Love you too honey, have a good time" She went back behind the counter and continued to prepare some treat that smelled delicious. 

I waved goodbye and walked out the door. I started to eat my croissant, it tasted so good. I broke off a piece and placed it in my bag. "Here you go, Tikki." Tikki was eating as fast as I was. Suddenly remembering what an awful friend I was, I started running down the sidewalk. "I'm gonna be late!"

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