Chapter 4

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"Miraculous Ladybug!" I threw my lucky charm into the air and a parade of magical ladybugs floated around Paris fixing all the damage that had been done.

"Pound it!" Chat and I fist bumped and leaped onto a high roof where no one could see. 

"Alright, I better go before we both change back." The thought of it made me more anxious than usual, given the reoccurring dreams.

"Ok ok, I know I've said it a million times before, but would that really be that bad?"I frowned and sighed. Before I could reply he spoke again. "Is the idea of my true feline form frightening for you?" Of course, he was sly as always.

"Chat, you know we can't do that, It would bring danger to all of Paris and give Hawkmoth an advantage over us, He's already been changing the game. We're needing more and more partners as time goes on."

Before I could turn away he grabbed my hand and faced me his way. "Come on bugaboo, we can face off against anything." I looked into his eyes. There was a warm, familiar feeling about them. Suddenly images of the dream flashed in my mind.

We're trapped... helpless... losing! "No! We can't, I'm sorry" I was ready to jump off the roof and detransform when I felt lightheaded. 

"Ladybug?" Chat's voice sounded fuzzy, and I collapsed to the ground and blacked out.


I woke up in a hospital bed. "W-whats going on?"

"Marinette! You're awake, how are you feeling? Are you okay?"

"Dad?..." My voice was surprisingly scratchy "how long have I been asleep?"

"Only a couple of hours. Your mother went to get a drink for you."

"What happened to me?" And how did I get here?

"Someone must have found you on the floor and brought you here. You passed out from an anxiety attack... Are you okay, honey? You know we've warned you about pacing yourself."

Probably from the dream. But then I felt a large pit in my stomach. Did anyone see me detransform?... Did Chat see me? I felt like puking. "When can we go home?"

"I just need to call the doctor in to get you cleared." My mom rushed in with a cup of water. She put it on the table and hugged me. "I hope you're okay now, sweetheart."

"Yeah I'm fine, I just want to go home, I have a lot of work to do."

"Not on out watch you don't. When we get home you're just going to lie down and rest, okay?"

"Fine... But, can we not tell anyone that I was here?"

"I guess so, Let's just get you home." My dad sat me up and the doctor came in and greeted us.


In the middle of the night, I was sitting on my rooftop. I could see Chat in the distance making his way towards me. He leapt right beside me and grabbed hold of me. "M'lady! Are you alright, what happened to you?"

"... Did you see me Chat?"

He let go, looking confused. "W-What? You mean your true self?" I nodded. Chat sighed. "No... But I almost did. I got you to the hospital in time."

"Did anyone else see me?"

"Not that I know of."

"Thank you." There was a long silence as we both looked up to the stars. "Chat, I haven't been telling you everything." He looked at me, perplexed. "I... I've been having a dream. Or a vision. I don't know. But it won't go away."

"What is it about?" He started to look really worried.

"Wellll, you and I are about to transform back but were in a room surrounded by akumas, and there's no way out. After a long time trying to fight it we... I. Give up. And we both transform back but then it ends."

"That doesn't seem accurate." 

I scolded him. "Now is not the time for jokes Chat, I'm being honest. I just... Gave up. I was so powerless, I couldn't do anything to stop it from happening. What would we do if this comes to pass in the future?"

Chat grabbed my hand and slightly squeezed. "Hey," I was trying to hold back tears. "You're Ladybug, and I'm your partner Chat Noir. Together we can win against anyone. We'll always have a leg up on Hawkmoth." He smiled at me.

"But, then why does this keep happening? I don't understand what my miraculous is trying to tell me." 

"Well then ask it, I'm sure you'll figure it out."

"But I-"

"You always find a way out of a mess. Trust me. And even if we fail once, cats have nine lives."

We both started laughing. I couldn't believe but... Chat was really there for me, how could I have not noticed it before? He grabbed my face and looked into my eyes. "Please tell me who you are, M'lady."

I felt ready to give in. I wanted it, but... No, what about Adrien? "Chat... I'm really sorry. But, there's someone I really care about that I just can't forget." 

He looked heartbroken. I couldn't just do nothing. He turned away from me and started walking away. "Chat wait!" I got up and ran up to him and did what I thought I would never do again. 


"Ladybug!" Before she could completely crash to the floor, I grabbed her body. I slightly shook her, "Please wake up..." Whatever I was trying to do didn't work. I heard her earrings ring, she was about to change back. What do I do? I started pacing back and forth. I want to know her, I just want to know... "No... Am I stupid?" I picked her up and took her the only place I could think of putting a lifeless stranger. 

Gently, I placed her on the ground outside the hospital. I walked over to the corner just so I couldn't hear her. Suddenly I heard the sound of her detransformation. For just a moment, I started walking around the corner once more, just for a glimpse- "Oh my goodness! get this girl in the emergency room!" 

I sighed in relief. She would be safe. "Come on Adrien. Curiosity killed the cat."

After a long time standing there, I decided to make my way back home. 

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