Chapter 8

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"It's perfect, Marinette. You're a fashion genius" I was admiring the hat through my mirror. 

"Th-Thanks. I'm just really into fashion... I'm glad you like it." She smiled and looked away from my gaze. "Great job, Marinette." Both of our attention's were brought to my doorway. My father walked in on the phone, carefully examining the hat. "Thank you for taking over, Nathalie" He hung up the phone and spoke to Marinette. "This will do fine for the show."

Marinette was shocked at the sight of him. "Thank you so much, Mr. Agreste."

"It seems Adrien was right to pick you to design the hat." Marinette looked over at me confused. My father was as well, "Is something the matter?"

"I'm sorry... It's just that I thought you picked me for the job personally?"

"No, that was all my son's judgment. And you were right to assume so, Adrien." I was so surprised by my father's admiration I didn't even think about the fact that he just exposed me. I smiled, "Thank you, father." 

"I will keep the hat until the day of the show. I must get back to work now, and Adrien, it's about time for your Chinese lesson so Marinette should be leaving now."

"Alright," I turned towards Marinette "Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow at-" Suddenly, my TV flashed on to the news. "This is a warning to the citizens of Paris, another individual has been akumatized and is terrorizing the city. Citizens are warned to stay indoors until Ladybug and Chat Noir have dealt with the situation." Oh no... How am I gonna transform with my father and Marinette here?

My father interrupted my thoughts, "Looks like your lesson will have to be canceled for right now. Stay in your room Adrien, and Marinette, you should stay here as well." He walked out, shutting the door behind him; completely unfazed by the situation. 

Great. I still can't transform, but Marinette can't either...? This was my chance to prove my theory. Marinette looked anxious. "Don't worry, Ladybug will take care of it." I analyzed her face for a reaction, she started looking more and more guilty of what I was suspecting. 



This is the worst possible time for this to happen! "Um, I'm starting to feel really sick. Do you have a bathroom I can use?" 

Adrien looked sort of frustrated, but I had no time to think about that. "You can use the one in my room." How would I get away with staying in the bathroom this whole time while he's in the other room? 

"You know what, it's fine, I'll just go home and-" 

"That's probably not a good idea. It's not safe outside, you could get hurt." Why was he being so persistent? 

"Adrien it's fine, I really need to go." I heard a large crash from outside. We both looked out the window. Things were getting more hectic, I was running out of options. Adrien looked at the wall for a second, contemplating something, and then back at me. "You know what, I need to check on something with my father. Don't go anywhere, I'll be back soon." He ran out the door and shut it behind him. 

Tikki flew out from my purse. I thought out loud, "What is up with Adrien lately? He's been acting so weird."

"We can't think about that now, Marinette, you need to transform!" 

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