Chapter 9

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"When is that bug ever going to give me the chance?" It felt like every time I had the chance to explain what was on my mind, something went wrong. Upset, I made my way back home. I landed through the window into my room. On the spot, my final warning flashed and I transformed. "Plagg, what should I do now?" 

 "You'll always have another chance, in the meantime, I'm starving! I'm gonna have a cheese break." Plagg flew to the cabinet in my room where I kept the disgusting smelling camembert and phased through the door into the cabinet. I looked over at the bathroom; the door was still shut. Cautiously, I walked over and knocked on the door, "Marinette?" I opened it and found no one inside. I sighed, "What else was I expecting?"

I heard a knock on my door. "Um, come in!" My father walked inside, somewhat inspecting my room. "Is something wrong, father?"

"Of course not. Has your friend Marinette left?" 

"Yeah, I think she did a while ago." To transform...

"Good. You should get your rest and wake up early to prepare for the fashion show tomorrow."

"Ok... Will you be coming to this one, father?" 

He thought for a second. "Most likely not, you know I'm very busy." 

"I know, It's just you never come to any of my shows anymore, I would like it if you could make the time for me. Please." I walked over to him and looked up. 

"I suppose I can try and make the time." He sounded hesitant. 


"Yes. But don't expect this to happen every time-" I hugged him. After everything that was going on, knowing my father was there for me made everything a little bit better. I expected him not to react, but he hugged me. I felt warm inside and smiled. 

He released from the hug and looked down at me. "Adrien, you know that all my work is dedicated to bettering your life and helping your mothers, correct?" 

I looked up, shocked. He never mentioned mother to me anymore. I didn't know why, but it seemed like he was really making an effort to understand now. "Um, yes father."

"Good. I hope you know that you can trust me." 

"Of course, father."

He nodded his head, "Well, I must get back to it then. Goodnight, son." 

"Goodnight, father." He walked out the door and shut it behind him. Plagg came from out of the cabinet with a face full of cheese. He spoke with his mouth full. "Well, that was weird."

"I don't know Plagg, maybe he's starting to get it." 

Plagg shrugged and continued chewing. I changed into my pajamas and climbed in bed. I thought about our interaction for a minute... Why do I keep trying to make these ingenious plans? I could just be direct... apparently, it's just as effective. I shut my eyes. Guess I'll try tomorrow.


Everyone in the house was moving from place to place frantically. The show's crew were checking up on me and going back to organizing the stage for later. In the corner, I could hear my father arguing with someone over the phone. I walked over to him. "I already told you, not today. The time is not right." He scowled and hung up the phone. 

"Is everything alright?"

"Everything's fine Adrien. Where is Marinette? She should have been here twenty minutes ago." 

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