Chapter 10

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Finally! I raced past all the cat-walkers and crew people into my dressing room. I walked inside and shut the door. I looked in the mirror, fixing my hair and such. Plagg flew out of my coat and started laughing. "Wow, you're really getting fancy for this, aren't you?"

"What can I say? I wanna make a good first impression." I adjusted the hat on my head and took one final look at myself. "Ok, I have an hour and a half to talk to her. That's enough time, right?" Before Plagg could answer I signaled him to go back into hiding. He flew in my coat and I turned for the door. When I opened it the only thing I could see was Chloe at the foot of the steps smiling at me. 

"Adriekens!!!" She ran up and hugged me. You've got to be kidding me.

"Oh hi Chloe," I released myself from her grasp and looked around for Marinette. "I um have to go somewhere right now. B-"

"What are you talking about? You told me that you would come here as my date, remember?"

I gave her a really confused look. "What?"

"Really? Is Marinette's hat extracting your brain cells or something? In the hallway! I was talking to you and you just kept agreeing with everything I was saying which included being my date to your fashion show."

Crap. "Oh. That. I'm sorry Chloe, it must have slipped my mind." 

"Apparently. Come on, let's go dance." 

Before I could respond she tugged on my arm and led me to the dance floor. She put her hands around me and started swaying. I had no choice but to play along. For a long time we danced, once again she kept talking about something I couldn't pay attention to. I searched all around for Marinette, finally, I caught her staring at me and Chloe, looking hurt. Slowly, she walked in the direction towards Alya. I had to act fast. I interrupted one of Chloe's tangents. "Chloe, you're one of my closest friends, right?" 

"Uh well of course I am. You're an even closer friend to me." She smiled slyly at me. 

"What I mean is, I hate to cut this short, but I really need to talk to... Nino! about guy stuff, you wouldn't really understand. So can I go do that really quickly?"

She sighed deeply. "I guess so. Come back soon though, Adrikens!"

"Yeah, ok." I sped walked towards Marinette. I'm running out of time. I started to panic a little. I scanned the area and saw her and Alya in the corner talking. Ok... Now is the time. As I walked towards them, Alya whispered something over to Marinette and they both looked at me. "Hey Marinette, sorry I've been so busy, but I'm free now... Can we talk?"


 "Yes! She most definitely can." Alya bumped Marinette and they shared a look. "Uh yeah, sure."

I extended my hand out. She blinked at me for a second then took my hand. I led her to one of the park benches away from the crowd. 

"So... What did you need to talk to me about?" 

"Well, It's something kind of big, so can you promise not to um... Freak out?" 

"Uhhh, ok?" She looked really curious. 

"Ok, I guess I'll get straight to the point... I know you're-"


ARE YOU SERIOUS!? Chaos broke out in the crowd as everyone looked and screamed in the direction of the akumatized woman. People started to run away and call for Ladybug and Chat Noir. I turned around, finding Marinette had disappeared. I stood up, ready to chase after her. 

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