Chapter 11

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"Chat, don't think that was strange?" I was pacing back and forth. If my brain wasn't on overdrive before, it definitely was now. "Something big is going to happen soon, I just know it. But I don't know what Hawkmoth is planning..."

"What makes you think he's even planning something different? Who cares if you didn't use your lucky charm bugaboo, purr-haps were just getting better at our job."

"Well if that's the case, then why? There has to be something." I sat down, not even acknowledging his dumb cat joke. I tried to gather my thoughts, but there were so many, I couldn't focus on anything. I cuffed my face in hands, groaning.

Chat his hand on my shoulder and attempted to comfort me, "Hey, fly down from that cloud you're in M'lady, everything's okay." I looked up to see him staring at me smiling. I knew he wanted to help me, but... 

"Chat, I had another vision."

His gentle look changed to concern. "What? Like, the same one?"

"No, this one was different, and it's even more confusing and scary than the last one!"

He sat down next to me. "Tell me about it."

I looked up at the night sky, trying to recall the dream. "I think it was the same dark room as the first one. But this time I couldn't see anyone. All I could hear was someone screaming, it was a girl... Maybe someone we know? I don't know. But I'm already starting to see a dreadful trend in these nightmares."

"Are you okay?"

I looked out, trying to fight back tears of frustration and fear. "Chat, I-I'm. Scared. I don't know what this means at all, Master Fu said that the dreams are trying to help me? But, this isn't helpful at all!" 

"You know you don't only have to depend on some whacko dream, right? I'm always here to help you." I remained silent, still looking out at the stars. I was ready to break down but Chat Noir suddenly came close and hugged me. I was so shocked, but my first instinct was to hug him back immediately. As humiliating as it felt to talk real with Chat, it was oddly comforting too. 

Suddenly, I heard a beeping noise come from Chat Noir's ring. "Oh," I released from the hug. "You should probably go before you change back."

Without hesitation, Chat answered, "What if I didn't?"

I sighed, "Chat please, not again, I already said-" 

"Ladybug, I'm not afraid of this, and you shouldn't have to be. You can-"

"What if my visions are worried about this exact situation happening? We can't risk it, I'm sorry."

"I'm being serious though!" His ring started to beep a bit faster. Any minute and he would change back. "Please, I know this can work."

"I-" I heard another beeping sound, but this time it came from my earrings. I was frozen, torn between immediately leaving and just waiting... I faced away from Chat.

"You don't have to worry about going through all of this alone, I'm here." I heard a twinkling sound. Chat had transformed back right in front of me. I closed my eyes and covered them with my hand for extra measure.

Without thinking I sat down, still turned the other direction. "Chat, I'm not sure, what if something happens?"

"M'lady... Side by side, we can conquer anything."

My earrings rang once again, signifying that I would change back any second. "Chat Noir, please turn around."

It was quiet for a second, but then Chat sat down behind me. Like a scene from a bad movie, we were sitting back to back on a roof in Paris in the middle of the night. How am I going to get out of this? Before I had a chance to come up with a solution, the worst thing possible happened. 

My costume started to disappear, I heard Chat gasp. It felt like my heart stopped. Am I actually doing this? I moved my hand from my eyes and opened them. I looked out into the distance, contemplating whether to show myself or not. Tikki silently shot me a concerned look.

 I let a big sigh. "Chat, what are we doing? Are we just setting ourselves up for failure?" 

"Ladybug, I promise that everything will be okay. You just have to trust me." He slid his hand over to touch mine. Strange enough, it put some of my fears at ease.

Suddenly it dawned on me. "You must act on it." 

Master Fu's advise started to make sense, sort of. I need to start trusting my instincts. And Chat...



"You promise that this will be okay?" I couldn't believe that I was doing this.

"Would I ever lie to you, Bugaboo?" He squeezed my hand slightly.

Hesitatingly, I responded. "Okay... On three?"

He laughed. "If you say so. One..."

"Two..." We both stood up, still back to back. The anticipation and anxiety were killing me, I had no idea who to expect right behind me.

"Three" We bother turned around and I looked him dead in the eyes, for real. I started to scream on the inside. He smiled at me, "I knew it was you."

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