Chapter 3

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"Plagg, claws in." A bright green aura flashed around me from my feet to my head. I looked in the mirror and frowned. Is she ever going to realize how much I really love her? Plagg had already scavenged my room for some camembert after our long night. "You're thinking too loud, stop disrupting my moment with this lovely." He looked lovingly at the piece of cheese and dug in.

"Oh Plagg, is Ladybug ever going to love me as much as you love camembert?"

"I don't know if anyone could love someone as much as I love cheese." I rolled my eyes, obviously, he wasn't invested in the conversation.

I fell into my bed and looked up into the ceiling. How am I ever going to have a real relationship with her? All of a sudden my doorknob clicked; Plagg flew away from the line of sight as I saw Nathalie walking in. "Adrien, are you ready for your piano lesson?"

"Oh, sorry Nathalie. Do you think we can reschedule for tomorrow? I'm exhausted."

Nathalie sighed, "I suppose, but your father won't like it. Speaking of, don't forget to prepare for the fashion show at the end of the week." She started to walk away until I startled her; "Can I actually, talk to my father?" 

She didn't respond for a long time. "He's very busy at the moment... It's important." She shut my door and I could hear the sound of her footsteps growing fainter. 

"Sometimes I feel like he doesn't even care about me; what's more important than showing the littlest interest in your son!?"

Plagg suddenly started to pay attention to my words. "Adrien, I'm sure that your dad cares about you, you've got to look on the bright side." 

"It's hard to when it seems like everything in the universe is going against me. The love of my life ignores me, my own dad ignores me, and no one seems to understand what I'm going through."

"What about your friends? Like that one girl, Marinette, was her name?"

I smiled. "Yeah, Marinette is a good friend." I don't know why, but everytime shes mentioned I feel the need to emphasize the fact that she's a friend. Of course, I care about her, but I have to remain loyal to Ladybug. She's the one. Then, I realized that my mind was completely off of all that was wrong. "Thank you Plagg."

"Sure, sure... can we get some more cheese tomorrow?"

I laughed, "I don't know how you eat that stuff, it smells disgusting."

"But it tastes soooo good."

I changed into my pajamas and crawled in my bed. "Goodnight Plagg." After a little bit, I was dead asleep. 


I grabbed my backpack and started heading towards the front door, the butlers kindly opened it for me. "Thank you." Just as I stepped outside I heard my father call my name. "Adrien."

Startled, I turned around "Yes father?"

"I just wanted to let you know that I hope you have a good day... and don't forget about your fencing lesson after school, you need to make up your piano lesson as well. I'll be busy all day, so don't expect me for dinner. Goodbye."


I hopped in the limo and Plagg flew from my jacket "Well... At least he's making an effort." Plagg shrugged.

Moments later we arrived at the school, Plagg returned to my jacket and I exited the limo and started walking up the school steps. "Adrien!" Marinette ran up to me without slowing down.

"Marinette, wait!" but it was too late. She slammed into me and we were both knocked to the ground. From the distance, I could see Chloe and Sabrina laughing in our direction. 

Marinette was aggressively rubbing her head "Ugh... Sorry."

"Here, let me help you up." I got up from off the ground and reached for her hand. For a slipt second, I could see her blushing, for some reason it made me anxious. "So, did you need something?"

"Uhhhhh, oh, right. I wanted you to look through these sketches. For the hat, I'm making you." 

"Sure, lemme see." She handed me her sketchbook and I started flipping through the various pages. Each drawing was so beautifully made, I couldn't choose! "Wow, these are fantastic. How did you have the time to come up with all these from just two days ago?" 

"Oh I don't know, I guess I have a lot of free time hehe." 

I looked at her smugly, "I thought you were always busy like me?" 

She broke a sweat, "Uhhhhhh."

I started laughing, "I'm just kidding Marinette, but I'm serious, these are great. Honestly, I think you should pick, there's no way I can choose just one."

"Oh um, I mean if you really think so."

Out of nowhere Alya appeared and butted into the conversation. "You know what? You guys should totally hang out after school and work together on it." She winked at Marinette.

"WHAT?" Marinette was obviously surprised. 

"That sounds like a great idea, I can move my fencing lesson during lunch. Does an hour and a half sound like enough time?"

"Uh yeah, I guess so" Marinette continued to nervously laugh.

"Ok then. Well I better head to my locker before class, see you guys later."

I walked inside the building and opened my locker, Once again Plagg came out of my jacket when no one was looking. "Righttt, just a 'friend'" 

I couldn't think of any way to respond so I just rolled my eyes. The bell started to ring, I walked over to my first period.


Marinette was discussing with me different fabric material and accessories, all of which I didn't seem to understand. "You sure know a lot about clothing. You really are super talented" 

"Thanks, it's one of my many passions. But you gotta give yourself some credit too, I probably could never handle the pressure of the modeling life while also balancing a bunch of other lessons." 

"Creating an entire outfit is definitely harder than walking down a catwalk."

Marinette sheepishly giggled, "If you say so."

I moved in a little closer, "I am" She looked up at me in amazement. For the longest time, we were just staring at each other in silence. Unfortunately, we both heard a scream from outside and looked over at the window of the classroom. 

"Help! Someone's been akumatized!" 

Duty calls. We quickly looked over at each other and simultaneously said: "I gotta go, sorry." Once again we both stared at each other. Why did she have to go? 

We both got up and headed for the door, and once again spoke at the same time: "Well, bye!", and headed in different directions. I found an area of seclusion and pulled Plagg from inside my jacket "Arts and crafts time is over, let's go."

Unenthusiastically, Plagg replied. "Ugh, Alright."

"Plagg, claws out!"

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