Chapter 5

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I have never felt more lovestruck. Before I could even begin to process what she was doing she moved her lips away from mine. "Uhhhh"

"Go home, Chat." Ladybug disappeared in a matter of seconds. 

The way back home was a blur. I felt like I would fall backward, paralyzed at any second. I couldn't believe it. Ladybug kissed me! After wishing and waiting for so long, my dream had come true. I landed inside my room from the open window. "Plagg, claws in."

"Well, would you look at that." Plagg instantly got to the point. "So, how do you feel?"

"I... Don't even know." I felt like my insides were jumping with joy. 

"What are you gonna do now?"

"I don't know!"

All of a sudden my door burst open. Plagg raced under my bed covers as My father walked in. "Adrien, why are you still awake? You have a lot of work to do tomorrow."

"I'm sorry father, I'm just very happy."

"Who were you speaking too?"

Shoot. I forgot about that part. "Um, myself. It's just that things are going really great... With a girl."

"Am I to assume that this girl is Marinette?"

Why would he say that? "Uhhh, no. What makes you think so, father?"

"You seem to spend a lot of time with her."

"No, she's just a friend. Besides, she's making my hat for the fashion show on Saturday, remember?"

"Oh yes, you mentioned to me that you appointed her to that job. Although I would have been just fine using one of my own stylists for this show."

"Trust me, she'll do great again."

"Alright." he started walking towards the door then looked back at me. "Are you sure that you weren't speaking to anyone in particular?"

"Just myself... hehe"

He gave me a strange look, "Okay, goodnight."

"Goodnight, father." He shut my door and I walked over to my bed where Plagg was already eating more cheese. I whispered to him this time, "Plagg, you were right. Looking on the bright side is a good idea." 

"I'm always right. But what are you gonna do next time you see her?"

"Ohhh. I haven't really thought about that." 

"See, I'm super smart." He quietly chuckled and continued eating his cheese.

"Well, we can think about that tomorrow. I've had enough excitement for one day. Goodnight Plagg." 

"Goodnight" He floated off to his little area of my room and I went to change into my pajamas. 

Why was my father suspecting Marinette? I mean, she's a friend... I guess. I suppose I can't really forget what happened in the classroom. But I also couldn't forget what happened with Ladybug... 

Marinette is great, but things are getting better between me and M'lady. Marinette would find someone too, I mean she's kind and considerate, always determined to help people and make them feel better. Kind of like Ladybug...

Randomly I remembered back to where Ladybug and I were. Why would she want to meet on top of the Dupain-Cheng bakery? And, when that person was akumatized she left as soon as I left, but the only reason I had to go was so I could transform. My brain was connecting all the dots, but were they the right ones?

Am I thinking straight? Reading into things too closely? If what I was thinking wasn't absolutely crazy, then the girl that I have been searching for for years now has been right in front of me the entire time. My brain started to hurt. No... Just go to sleep.

For the longest time, I tossed and turned, just considering the possibility of how stupid I might be.

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