New Parents

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      Opening my eyes I hear slight humming and see I am lying in a hospital bed, Chris is standing by the TV rocking a small bundle in his arms. "Hey look Mommy's awake" he says looking at me, "let me see her" I say sitting up positioning my arms and he gently lies her in them. She has the same complexion as Chris with small curls and brown eyes she's a mini Chris, "she's beautiful" I say stroking her cheek. "Babe our family's outside want me to bring them in" he asks, "yeah" I say smiling down as she grasps my finger. Chris opens the door and Joyce, Ma, Diamante, Desiray, Trey, Tootie(Chris's sister), Clinton(Chris's dad). "Oh my gosh she's so pretty" Ma says, "thanks she did a good job for an home birth" Chris says pecking my lips. "And we are never doing that again" I say making everyone laugh, "what's her name" Joyce asks looking at her granddaughter tears in her eyes. Chris walks over wrapping his arm around her, "Hope Christina Brown" I say.

         "How you feel" Diamante asks, "sore but it was all worth it" I say looking at Hope as her eyes look over everyone. "Alright we better go and let you eat breakfast" Ma says kissing my cheek and Hope's head before hugging Chris and leaving out the room, after everyone leaves Chris takes Hope so I can eat and then fill out the birth certificate. After Hope is asleep beside me Chris sits by me on the bed and I lay my head on his chest, "you did an amazing job babe" he says. "Well I had a good coach" I say and he smiles; "I can't wait until we can take her home" he says. "Me neither" I say, "I love you" he says. "I love you too" I say pecking his lips, "wait Chris our daughter is here now and I don't want her around the smoking and alcohol" I say. "Babe I would never expose my child to that part of my life" he says, "I know Christopher I just want your priorities to be music, family and fans" I say.

          "That's been on my mind since day one" he says kissing my head, "please don't go back to the way you were before we met" I beg. "I said I won't damn want me to repeat myself" he growls and I feel him tense under me and he moves away so I'm not lying on him anymore, "Chris I didn't mean to make you think I don't trust you" I say grabbing his hand pulling him back down on the bed. He doesn't respond so I lie my head on his shoulder closing my eyes as a tear slides down my cheek, "I'm sorry" I say again softly. I feel something against my lips and open my eyes seeing Chris face an inch from mine; "hey" he says. "Hi" I say softly, "I love you" he says resting his head against mine and our eyes close as he holds the back of my head so I won't move. It's his way of apologizing and me accepting it.

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