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Hi, this is @amidaf and I and slim are working on this book together. I'm really excited because I'm not a good writer (she is -slim), but slim is AMAZING, (I disagree -slim) so, working with her is an honor. Some of the chapters I may be working on, but overall slim will be writing and I will be "behind the scenes"😂. I hope y'all enjoy 'A Boxer's Fight' 🥰❤️.

- A Boxer's Fight -

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This is just the beginning...

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The girl swung once last time missing her hit and falling to the ground. Felicity watched as everyone laughed. The ref counted from 1-10. She didn't move once.

Felicity knew she was out cold.

Looking around, Felicity looked for the girl's coach, but none stood there or was on the mat. As bad as Felicity disliked being the center of attention, she knew if she didn't help the girl, the girl would've been on that mat for hours without no one's help.

'No one can beat Jaiza!' and 'Get her ass off the mat!' was what Felicity heard when she pushed through the crowd. The closer she got, the more visible she could see how badly beaten the girl was. Damn, that's fucked up, Felicity had thought.

Though she had seen worse, she still felt bad for the girl. No one deserved what the girl had gotten to her.

Felicity hopped on the mat and felt for the girl's heartbeat. It was very faint so, she had to lean down and put her head into the girl's chest. Listening attentively, making sure the girl was very much alive, she was.

Taking her into a full examination before waking her, Felicity noticed that purple welts were scattered across her abdomen like someone planned on making a mark on her. Ain't this some shit? Felicity asked shaking her head.

Shutting out the yells from the crowd, Felicity softly smacked the girl. She couldn't smack her regularly because she was indeed heavy-handed. And that's what girls liked about her back in Brooklyn. Her being able to choke them up and put them in their place and let's mention how well she handled the females with her hands. She never invested in using a strap, but if a girl wanted it, she'd give it to them.

Her hands weren't for all of that though. Having to fight niggas and bitches left and right because her aunt ex-husband had dept with one of the biggest drug lords in Brooklyn. So, her hands were also used to help protect her, her aunt, and her nephew Leighton.

Now that she was here in L.A she knew she could live her life the way she wanted without laying low and watching her back knowing that any given moment she could be taken out. Thinking she'll stay out of drama or any incidents, she found herself in one right now.

"Aye," Felicity said still smacking the girl.

After a few slaps more, the girl began to groan. She gnawed at her lips as she watched the girl, without sound, cried in pain.

"Can you move?" Felicity asked.

She mentally facepalmed because she asked the girl such a stupid question. The girl was badly beaten she couldn't move even if she tried.

"Nah, but I can fly, wanna see?" The girl barely croaked out. She tried to use her arm to try and get up, but she failed.

Felicity ignored her and helped her sit up. She couldn't care less about the smartass remarks, she just felt a need to help her.

The girl tried to muffle her cries, but it was no use.

Felicity was feeling around to see any more damage, trying her best not to hurt the girl anymore, but she could still hear her groaning. She just needed to calm her down for a second so she could stop moving.

"What's your name?" Felicity questioned.

"Ren- Renni", the girl breathed out.

"Well, Renni, you have a broken rib... or two?" Felicity replied, "But I need you to stop moving for a sec so I can see if there's any more damage, a'ight?"

"I don't- need- your help. I got it, ok? You can leave. So, leave." Renni slowly got up, holding herself while trying to get out the ring, but again, she failed.

Although she was stubborn, Felicity thought she was pretty cute. Felicity caught Renni before she fell and sat her up against the corner of the ring.

"Why? Why are you helping me? You don't even know me!" Renni reacted. Felicity was surprised that she came at her like that, but she didn't know either. Why am I helping her? Felicity had asked herself.

"I got a heart I guess," Felicity answered.

Finally getting her to stay still, Felicity felt around to see if there were any other damages that invaded her body. Looking back up at the girl's face, she noticed that she had a broken nose. Wondering why she didn't notice it before triggered her. Maybe she didn't really get a look at the girl's face.

Imagining that the bruises on her face were gone, Felicity could definitely tell that this girl named Renni had a beautiful side to her. But, she couldn't really get a look at the girl the way she wanted. All the bruises and hurt still roamed her face. Felicity then knew...

She had to help her.

Felicity carefully laid the girl until she was flat enough to ease her out of the ring. Felicity got off the mat and surfaced her hands underneath the girl and carefully pulled her into her arms.

Felicity watched as the girl lazily but firmly threw her arms around her to make sure she didn't fall. I won't drop you, Felicity said inwardly.

The girl was very light for her to drop her and if she did, it'll be because she tripped over air.

"Where's your nurse office?" Felicity asked her.

Felicity watched as the girl shook her head. She then knew that there was no nurse present and knew it was wrong that there wasn't any during a time like this.  But assuringly, Felicity knew she could help the girl on her own.

"I got you," Felicity answered her.

Yeah, I got her, Felicity thought again as she walked out the two double doors and out the others walking into the evening's warm air.

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