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"I got you Renni,"...

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Serenity had such a good time at Felicity's house. Well, Li's house, as best as Serenity could remember it, Felicity's words were "You always so tense around me shawty, ease up a bit, no need for unwanted formalities n' allat bullshit. Call me Li."

Serenity did as directed, and as doing so, she got extremely stoned at Li's house. Serenity had the munchies, and she couldn't focus on anything other than what she wanted to eat, which was In-n-Out.

Walking to the car was already a task for Felicity, due to the fact that Serenity was not only stumbling everywhere but when she was ok enough to take a few steps, she would stop and stare at the floor trying to make out patterns in her impaired state.

"Renni, stop doing that," Felicity demanded.

"Stop doing what, daddy?" Serenity questioned innocently. If Serenity hadn't looked up with her bloodshot red eyes, Felicity would've taken her back to her room... and bit her.

"Just get in the car, Renni," Felicity ordered opening the door for her to easily get inside the car. "And stop callin' me that."

"Ok daddy," Serenity said making her way to the car or as best as she could.

Felicity couldn't help but laugh at her. She promised herself to never let her get this high again. She watched as Serenity got in and didn't close the door after herself. Felicity sighed, slowly losing her delirious state. She climbed over her and tried reaching the door but she couldn't due to Serenity's touching her sexually.

Finally closing the door, Felicity waited for Serenity to put on her seatbelt. She sighed again when Serenity just sat there with her feet kicked up on the dashboard.

"Keep ya hands to yourself Ren," Felicity demanded once again.

"But I don't wanna, I wanna touch you," Serenity said in a sultry voice. All Serenity wanted to do was climb Felicity like a bean-stalk. But then again, she was so hungry.

"Can you please hurry up and get there Li? I'm starving like I'm gonna starve to death if I-"

"Stop whining, stop talking Renni, and close your mouth," Felicity responded as she cut off Serenity. Felicity started up her car and started driving down the road. "You'll live."

Serenity sat back and pouted at Felicity's outburst. She didn't wanna make Felicity upset at all she wanted to do was make her happy. So, she closed her mouth and looked out the window next to her looking at the cars that drove beside them.

Felicity eventually pulled up at the In-n-Out drive-thru and turned to Serenity to ask her what she wanted.


"Can I get uuuuuuuhhhh, um, two double-doubles, um some french fries, with extra salt please, and an extra large milkshake? Thank you." Serenity slurred as she climbed over Felicity to see the drive-thru menu.

"Uh, is that all ma'am?" The drive through speaker asked.

Felicity sighed and pushed Serenity back into her seat and added an extra drink. 

"Can I get another large milkshake as well?" Felicity asked. 

"Will that be all?" The lady asked again.

"Yeah that's it," Felicity answered.

"$12.30 will be your charge. Just drive up and your meal will be handed to you shortly." 

Felicity thanked the lady before driving up next to the window. Waiting on their food, Serenity fiddled with her fingers wondering why she felt so open and at ease. 

Whenever she got high before, it was like she was bottled up and quiet free to roam around and sulk into her own thoughts, but now, high around Felicity, she's a whole different breed. Maybe being taught to let out more of her thoughts and emotions was the cause. But as Serenity thought into it more, it probably was her sudden attraction towards Felicity.

She couldn't help but like Felicity. After all, Felicity was the only person to show interest in her childish ways, uplifting her when she needed it, and proving to her that she was actually there for her. 

Though it was too early, Serenity wanted to try something with Felicity. It was new for her you know, trying out this stud for stud thing. She wouldn't care though because, at the end of the day underneath those clothes, they both had the same thing. 

And both, of course, liked touching, licking, and receiving the same intense pleasure from the mouths of women who pleasured them sexually below.

Serenity turned her focus on Felicity and the woman who was clearly flirting with her. The more Serenity told herself not to interfere, the longer the two sat laughing and complementing each other.

But she still held it together until the longing conversation was done and Felicity's change was handed back to her.

"Take me home," Serenity said deciding against on going back to Felicity's place.

"My crib is literally fifteen minutes away and I don-"

"I'll give you the address to my place. J-just take me home," Serenity said finally putting on her seatbelt and turning her head towards the window again. "237 bilkon road." 

She was clearly jealous but wouldn't you be too if you had someone like Felicity caring for you the way no one has ever done for you before?

Serenity felt Felicity eyes on her, watching her every time they'd stop at red light. She knew she was clueless as to why her sudden mood had changed all of a sudden, but she rather not talk about it if Felicity asked.

Pulling up to the house she despised on going into, Serenity sighed, grabbed the food and drink she ordered and got out the car.

"Thanks," Serenity said thanking Felicity. 

Serenity gave her a half smile and walked up the driveway to her house. She began to ring the bell several times and after receiving no luck, she reached under the flower pot only finding herself a letter.  

She opened it and read it.

I hoped you enjoyed yourself with whoever had you out there at 12 o' clock in the morning. Just know you won't be coming in this house anytime you want. The reason why you don't have a key young lady. To the side of you are two blankets. Have a nice night.

Serenity wiped her eyes at the letter and turned around only finding Felicity right behind her. She dropped everything she held onto her hands and sobbed into Felicity's chest.

Felicity just hugged her while she cried. She didn't know what was going on with Serenity's mother and her, but she could understand on certain levels. 

Felicity walked Serenity back to the car and sat her inside and ran back up to the stoop to grab her food and jogged back to the car.

She looked at Serenity once more before giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Don't keep your mind on that bull shit. You can stay at my place as long as you want to cool? I got you Renni and don't forget that," Felicity assured her before pulling off.

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