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- A Boxer's Fight -

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That's fucked up!...

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Serenity fell back into the lockers as Matt came and pushed her. Serenity quickly saw how Felicity looked at her and her facial expressions changed after realizing that it was the nigga earlier that had tested her patience.

In a quick swift motion, Felicity swung, hitting the boy in his jaw. Not letting him recover, Felicity hit him again making him land on his ass.

Serenity became frightened when she saw no sign of Matt and only saw Felicity's fast-moving hands going into the direction of the boy who looked like he melted into the floor.

Where'd he go? Serenity had thought.

Felicity in her mind was thinking of Keima and how her ex-boyfriend put his hands on her while she was pregnant with Leighton. She chuckled and started hitting the boy harder.

Serenity then yelled out when she saw blood coming from Matt.

"Felicity stop!" She yelled.

The guards then started to pull Felicity off after watching most of the fight go down. They had never seen a girl fight a boy before and then, on the other hand, beat the boy's ass.

"Let me the fuck go. Let me finish!" Felicity yelled.

The other guard asked the boy what happened. Matt lied and said Felicity started with him and Felicity heard every bit of the conversation.

"That's fucked up!" She yelled trying to get from the guards hold. "You gon sit there and lie cause you got ya ass beat? You straight pussy ma nigga!" Felicity yelled again.

Serenity just stood watching everything unfold. She was happy but then shocked because she never saw something like this unfold in front of her before. She never had anybody stick up for her at all so, her seeing all of this came to her as a shock.
"Felicity this is your first day here and you already have gotten in a fight?" Serenity shook her head as their Principal Eric talked to Felicity about the fight that had broken out a few minutes ago. "I have no choice but to suspend you."

Felicity jumped up and the security guards pushed her back down in her seat. "Yo what?!" she yelled. "You deadass really gone let that nigga go after he put his hands on her?" She chuckled afterward.

"Let me tell you something. I don't know what the fuck rules y'all have going for this school, but in Brooklyn, you put your hands on a female, you're gonna get got. I don't care about this suspension. Tomorrow, you will be seeing my black ass up in this school ready to learn. Nothing will be stopping me from getting my education so, you better rip up that paper cause you using that ink up in that bougie ass pen for nothin'," Felicity said rising up from her seat and then pointing at the guards who was leaning on the wall. "Touch me again son, you both will get got too. Try me."

Serenity followed behind Felicity as she left the office.

"And you?" Felicity said pointing into Serenity's face. "That's another thing I'm gonna teach you. Don't let anybody. I mean no-fucking-body put their hands on you. Got it g?" Felicity asked her.

Instead of responding, Serenity shook her head yes. She was slightly afraid of Felicity because she saw how bad she fucked up the boy that put his hands on her. He got what he deserved, but all that blood scared her.

"Come here," Felicity called out to Serenity.

Serenity hadn't realized that she was far on the left away from Felicity. She walked over to Felicity and Felicity wrapped her arm around her neck.

"I'm sorry if I made you scared shawty. You don't have to be scared of me a'ight? I just didn't like the way he put his hands on you. I just had to show him what's the consequences if he touches you or any female again. I will never put my hands on you, ever," Felicity reassured her.

Serenity was so surprised when she heard that. She never had anyone stick by her side or fight for her the way Felicity did. All she could muster up after the incredulous situation that just happened was a, "Thank you, Li."

Then she immediately turned away so Felicity couldn't see her blush.

Felicity grabbed Serenity by her waist and pulled her back, so she could see her.

"Where you going, shawt?" Felicity asked Serenity.

Serenity had just noticed how dreamy yet lively Felicity's fine brandy-colored eyes were. Serenity loved how her eyes were different. She never saw those colored eyes before so, she loved that she was there looking right into them.

"Nowhere?" Serenity responded, more like asked.

She had to look away because if she looked for more than a few more seconds, she'd blush again.

Felicity grabbed her face and made Serenity look at her. "Is that a question or an answer? You wanna leave and practice on your handling?" Felicity asked Serenity.

Instead of answering Felicity, Serenity nodded her head yes. If she'd speak, she would've laughed. Serenity had a habit of laughing when she would get nervous. She found it embarrassing and weird.

Felicity wrapped her arm around Serenity's neck again and walked towards the doors to exit.

What an interesting morning Serenity had thought walking out the doors and into the gelid cold air.

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