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- A Boxer's Fight -

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Could this be a start of forgiveness?

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"You never cared to answer my calls, texts, even my fucking DM's but yet you're here kissing this mother fucka'," Felicity said walking closer to the two.

Serenity was terrified. The look in Felicity's eyes told her that some shit was about to unfold. Jaiza on the hand wasn't as nearly scared as Serenity. She had a little fear but it wasn't enough to show Felicity if she was a weakling.

"And you," Felicity said stopping a few feet away from them. "You the same nigga who was just talking shit the ova' day. Now you all kissed up, trying to be all lovey-dovey and shit with her ass. I should kill yo ass for even touching her, but I smell that little ass fear you got trying to mask b. I don't wanna make you pee yo drawls," Felicity said chuckling right after.

Serenity was busy looking at the door in front of her. She was planning on how she was getting out without getting her ass beat.

Felicity chuckled. "I don't know why you lookin' ova' there. You ain't going nowhere, my love. So, get comfortable and relax. We gone be here for a while shawty," Felicity said smirking again.

They all just looked at each other. Now the silence was as pure as the falling rain outside. Kids were scuffling trying to get inside with their book bags over their heads, the birds that roamed around, flew by, and the trash that laid around just flew.

"So, neither one of y'all mother fuckers gonna explain this shit to me or do I have to make assumptions?" Felicity said breaking the silence.

She was getting fed up as seconds passed by and neither of the two explained nothing to her.

"Ok see what had happened was-" Jaiza had started. But Serenity had cut her off.

"Yo shut up if you say something stupid she will slap the taste out ya mouth, don't test her," Serenity warned lowly to Jaiza.

"Look, Li-" Serenity started.

"Nah you don't get to call me that right now," Felicity said cutting her eyes at Serenity.

"Ok, Felicity, I'm sorry. It wasn't supposed to be like this. I wanted to be the bigger person and I wanted to make amends with Jaiza. Things just got out of hand, it didn't mean anything. I swear. Please forgive me." Serenity pleaded.

"Are you shitten me right now?" Felicity said chuckling.

"I'm telling the truth Li please?" Serenity begged once more.

"Stop callin' me that," Felicity warned her again.

Serenity watched as the anger grew in Felicity. She tried to explain, but it just seemed as if her explanation was going through one ear and out of the other.

"Aye, Serenity's right. It was my fault. I'm sorry yo, I didn't know y'all was... well whatever y'all are. My fault yo," Jaiza apologized.

"So it's your fault?" Felicity questioned.

"So if I slap the shit out of you, literally, by accident on purpose, my fault b, right?" Felicity threatened as she took steps towards Jaiza.

"Wait, Felicity, stop, calm down, please. I wanted to make amends with her and then find you. I didn't mean to ghost on you. Please, talk to me." Serenity practically begged while she tried to block Felicity from Jaiza. Felicity looked at Serenity, looked straight into her cocoa brown eyes, and softened up and backed down.

"Nah. I can't just talk to you because I know that I won't trust anything that comes out your mouth," Felicity said being honest with Serenity. 

She's not that easy to forgive and if you fuck up once, all the trust is gone. Some can regain that trust and forgiveness is they stay true to their word. Some don't because they feel the need to keep doing what they do.

"Why can't you trust me?" Serenity asked as her eyes glossed over.

She didn't wanna cry, but hearing that she couldn't be trusted when she knows she can be trusted, hurts.

"I know I'm capable of trusting you again. I just can't right now. Hence the word I. It's not you. It's me. I've been through so much shit that trusting someone after they did shit, is beyond me. But if you can keep to your word and prove to me that I can trust you, trust me, I'll be trusting you again. Don't worry, I'm not gonna treat you any different. I'm not like everybody else that treats someone different. Like that's immature as fuck. Yeah, you've hurt afterward but treating you mad different is just...stupid," Felicity talked.

Jaiza just watched between the two. She realized so much shit just in this encounter. As a person, she fucked up. As a daughter, girlfriend, and friend. She was all for the attention and all for the fame, she didn't realize she hurt those who were actually there for her.

She also realized that Serenity was in love with this Felicity chick and that this Felicity chick was actually good for her. Though they aren't good right now, they'd definitely be good in the future.

"Look, Felicity, she's a good one. I understand the time and trusting part, but she's a good soul for real. I should've taken care of her when I had her. But now she has you and I wish you both the best of luck and the best relationship. I know you don't like me and hell I wouldn't like me either. But I would like to gain your forgiveness. So, will you forgive me? I'll be out y'all hair after this," Jaiza said speaking up, moving around Serenity, and holding out her fist hoping Felicity to dap her up and forgive her.

Felicity just smiled at the individual. Though she didn't fully forgive Jaiza she had some forgiveness in her. Felicity dapped her up and nodded her head.

"You good bro," Was all Felicity said. "Next time I'ma cut yo lips off and make you eat them and then I'ma make you swallow yo tongue." 

Felicity may have chuckled after that but she meant that sentence with everything in her body. When she threatens somebody, it's definitely a promise.

Jaiza just shook her head and chuckled. "Uh, I'll see y'all around," Was all she said before walking out.

Serenity and Felicity just stood in their spot looking at each other. As bad as Serenity wanted to hug and kiss Felicity because she missed her, she knew she couldn't. After all that went down, she knows better than to do that shit. But she had to get a feel of Felicity.

She instantly hugged Felicity catching Felicity off guard. But she hugged her back and kissed the top of her head.

"I missed you," Serenity said into her chest. "I'm sorry ba- Li. For everything."

"Yeah, but let's get out of hea' we got a lot of talking to do," Felicity said pulling apart from the hug.

Serenity just nodded and grabbed her things and her book bag. With Felicity arm wrapped around Serenity's neck, they both walked out together.

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**I failed this chapter son hope you guys like though (: **

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