Chapter 1

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Hey everyone so I am artyfrost and I adopted this story from Dr. Forgotten Fables . You may notice some changes but that is mostly grammar. I re-typed every single word instead of copying and pasting just so I could fix it. By the way it may seem like I haven't added another chapter I have I just put two of the chapters together.

Chapter 1

Danny was flying away from his house as fast as he could. It was crawling with ghost hunters. 'How did they find out?' He thought desperately. He had been so careful to never let any blood or image of his transformation get out. How did they guess that he was a half ghost when half ghosts couldn't possibly exist? 'I need a plan... Sam. Sam will know what to do.' He thought desperately and made a turn towards his friend's house. He flew through the wall to her room to find Sam sitting there with his other best friend Tucker. They looked up to him but they didn't seem surprised even if they were nervous. Danny didn't notice any of it though. Why would he be analyzing his best friends at a time like this one? They had been his friends through thick and thin for years. They would never betray him.

"Sam, Tucker, I'm in trouble. The Guys in White somehow found out about my ghost half. I don't know what to do." Danny said in a panic.

"Danny," Sam said looking at him. There was sadness in her usually bright purple eyes. "I'm sorry." Danny let out a scream and fell to his knees as pain shot through his chest and flowed through the rest of his body. One hand rose to his chest and he felt a warm liquid between his fingers. Pulling his hand away he found it covered in deep red blood that had sparks of green light that faded in the few seconds that it had been out of his body.

"Sam?" The question died on his lips as he looked up at the ecto gun in the girl's hand. Danny felt the sting of betrayal. It was one thing for his parents who he'd always knew might reject him to fire at him and try end what was left of his life. But he thought that Sam and Tucker were different, that they would always be in his corner. Danny's heart skipped a beat as the door to Sam's room opened in came several men dressed in bleached white suits. Each held in their hands a large ecto-cannon. One of them approached Sam and Tucker.

"Good work. Consider your crimes with this piece of ecto-scum pardoned." He said his grin driving the truth of what was going to happen to him home for Danny. "Come on boys. Let get this thing back to the lab so we can start the really painful experiments." Danny looked up to his former friends for the last time in his life. He tried to communicate all the betrayal he felt through the look in his eyes alone. But he lost a lot of blood and the shock to his core was quickly putting him to sleep.

"Why?" He whispered just before his head hit the carpeted floor of Sam's bedroom leaving him dead to the world, a ring past over his body changing his white hair black and his jumpsuit into a normal t-shirt and shorts. The blood still ran from his chest turning his white shirt red. Two of the agents moved in to restrain him. They pulled out glowing green cuff and the greed could be seen behind their sunglasses. But before they could reach him they were blown back by a wind of green energy that swept through the room scattering books and loose pages everywhere. The hands of a clock appeared between them and the ghost boy and as they spun a portal opened and out came a ghost. The ghost's ruby red eyes shone with fire from underneath his purple cloak, casting an eerie light on the scar that ran down the side of his face. He lifted up a large scythe in one hand and a staff with a clock on the end of it in the other.

"You will not have Daniel!" The voice carried the power and knowledge of the centuries in it.

Tucker who had been quiet throughout the ordeal whispered the name of the powerful specter. "Clockwork."

"23 19! 23 19!" The lead agent was shouting. Clockwork moved through the group moving his scythe like a fish through a stream, quickly severing the agent's' bottom halves from their top. He finished the group of a dozen agents without even blinking. Then he turned his eyes to Sam and Tucker who were shaking in fear.

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