Chapter 16:

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Chapter 16:

"Who said that? Show yourself." Danny yelled trying to light up his horn with difficulty.

"Calm down Daniel it is only me." A circle with clock hands appeared right in front of Danny. A blue alicorn stallion with white hair and a scar running across one eye stepped out from the portal. He was wearing a purple cloak that didn't hide his wings. Suddenly his form shifted to that of a young colt startling the ponies plus dragon who didn't know who he was.

"CLOCKWORK!" Danny yelled surprised by the sudden appearance of his mentor. "What are you doing here?" He asked the now old stallion.
"I am here to explain something to you Daniel." Clockwork told him.

"What things?" Danny asked.

"Hem Hem." Twilight cleared her throat to get their attention. "Um Danny who is this?" She asked once she saw they were looking at her.

"Oh this is my mentor and the one who helped me Clockwork." Danny said sweeping a hoof towards him.

"Your mentor?" Luna said tilting her head.

"Yeah when I need help, he is the one I go to." Danny explained to the seven ponies and one dragon.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Princess Luna, Princess Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Spike." Clockwork said surprising the ponies and dragon.

"You know all of us?" Applejack asked in surprise.

"Of course I do. I am Clockwork the Ghost of Time. You see time moves forwards and backwards and... Why do I keep trying to explain?" Clockwork said while changing into a colt, mid age stallion, and elder stallion when he finally ended mumbling to himself. All of them besides Danny looked at Clockwork in confusion and awe while Danny was snickering in the background. "Anyways I came here for a reason as I have stated before." He continued causing Danny to stop snickering.

"You said you had things to explain." Twilight said.

"Yes I do. What I need to explain is how exactly Daniel and Princess Luna are twins." Clockwork said.

"So what Chrysalis said is true. We really are twins." Luna said looking at Danny.

"Yes." Clockwork stated simply.

"How is that possible Clockwork? I'm from a different world." Danny asked.

"Actually Daniel you are from this world. Let me explain. You see long ago Queen Galaxia and King Cosmos once ruled over the Alicorns. They were beloved by all. When they had Princess Celestia everyone was ecstatic about the new princess. A few years later they had you and Princess Luna. You two were about three years old when the Alicorns were attacked. Your parents sacrificed themselves to save you all. You three were the only Alicorns to survive. You traveled the land until you were found by some earth ponies who took you in. During that time an evil being found you all and sensed the power you had inside of you Daniel." Clockwork started explaining until he was interrupted by Danny.

"Power?" Danny asked Clockwork.

"Yes you had a powerful gift. You see before your parents died they decided to give their power to you and Luna. It split between you two. You both have half light and half shadow magic. The magic is sealed inside you two and one of the other reasons why I am here. I am going to unseal the magic. There is a catch however..." Clockwork trailed off.

"What catch?" Danny and Luna asked together.

"You can only use the magic together." Clockwork said.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2019 ⏰

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