Chapter 8

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Here is chapter 8 for all of you hope you enjoy.

Chapter 8:

Sombra's Castle Meeting Room:

Sombra was pacing back and forth in front of the crystals that held Discord and Chrysalis. He was muttering to himself about the pony's hero. Discord was having fun watching the dark king lose his cool. Chrysalis, however, was getting agitated with his pacing and muttering.

"Sombra dear please stop pacing. It is rather unbecoming of a pony of your stature." Chrysalis said. Sombra stopped pacing and muttering when Chrysalis told him to stop.

He breathed in and said. "You're right Chrysalis it's just that forsaken."
"I know he is quite powerful is he not." Chrysalis said practically drooling over the opportunity of feeding off of his love. "Just imagine how powerful I would be if I could only feed off of his love." When Chrysalis said this Sombra got a look on his face.

"You know what that's not a bad idea." Sombra mused.

"What idea?" Chrysalis asked intrigued.

"Why Chrissy dear isn't it obvious? If you feed off of him then he will be powerless. Isn't that right Somby?" Discord said in his annoying know it all voice.

"Right." Sombra said annoyance coloring his voice at the nickname.
"Hm, that will work in our favor. The only problem is capturing him after all he is protected by that barrier." Chrysalis said after thinking about it.

"He will eventually leave that barrier so he can come to rescue my princess and yours Chrissy dear." Discord told Chrysalis who nodded.

"Yes, he will indeed. He is a hero, after all, it's in his blood." Chrysalis said.

"Then it's settled one of you will capture him when he comes to rescue one of your princesses." Sombra ordered both of them.

"Right." Discord and Chrysalis said together. All three of the evil creatures started cackling evilly.

Ponyville Library:

After their adventure to see the destruction caused by Danny's fight they decided to go back to Twilight's home. They entered the library and found somewhere to sit.

"I can't believe how much destruction I caused. I'm sorry everyone." Danny apologized feeling guilty about the destruction.

"Hey don't sweat it. After all, you save all of us from that crystal army." RD assured Danny nonchalantly.

"Rainbow Dash is absolutely right darling." Rarity agreed. The other mares plus dragon reassured Danny also.

"Besides that was absolutely awesome. I mean with that rainbow hammer and everything. You were all like take that you nasty dragon and hmp..." Pinkie Pie said until Applejack shoved a cupcake in Pinkie's mouth to stop her talking.

"Sorry sugarcube but ya would have gone on and on." Applejack apologized to Pinkie. Pinkie just swallowed the cupcake and nodded to Applejack.

"Anyways what now?" Twilight asked.

"Whatever do you mean darling?" Rarity asked looking at Twilight confused.
"What Twilight Sparkle means is what are we going to do now?" Luna said explaining for Twilight.
"I'm going to save your other princesses." Danny said like it was that simple and obvious.

"WHAT!?" All of the mares and dragon yelled at the same time.

"Are you crazy?" Twilight asked.

"No, I'm not crazy. You guys said you needed me to rescue the other princesses. Isn't that why you summoned me?" Danny asked the mares and dragon looking at them

"Well yes..." Twilight hesitated.

"Then I don't see the problem." Danny said getting up and walking towards the door.

"Wait sugarcube." Applejack said causing Danny to pause.
"What Twilight was trying to say is you aren't going off on your own." Rarity said.

"What? No, you..." Danny tried to say only to be interrupted by Rainbow Dash.

"We are going with you there is no stopping us." She said simply. The others nodded looking at Danny.

"I don't want you guys to get hurt. Besides, the princesses should stay here we can't risk them getting you two." Danny said firmly.

"I will stay here and watch over Ponyville." Luna said.

"I will come you will need me to track Princess Celestia and Cadance anyways." Twilight said determinedly.

"And Twilight doesn't go anywhere without us." Rainbow Dash said with the other nodding.

"I don't have a choice do I?" Danny said all the mares even Fluttershy shook their heads no. "Fine." Danny said reluctantly. All of them walked outside towards the Everfree Forest. They stopped when they reached the barrier. They turned around and saw all of Ponyville there giving them good luck. The Mane Six plus two turned towards the barrier after giving reassurances to be as careful as they can. With all that said and done they opened a hole into the barrier and with one final look back left the safety of Ponyville into the unknown.

"Good Luck and be safe." Luna whispered watching them walk off with a single tear falling from her eye.

A/N: Welp this was chapter 8. I know it wasn't very long. This was more of a filler. The villains now have a plan and the heroes are on their way to save the princesses. Also with the whole Chrysalis gaining the powers of the one she feeds off of is just my personal belief and only the Changeling Queen has that ability all the other changelings don't. In case anyone hasn't noticed this is in my personal belief after season 4 episode 1 and 2. The princesses were kidnapped when that whole fiasco was over with. And Discord was never reformed so he didn't help them even though he barely helped in that episode. Anyways that's all.

-Arty out-

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