Chapter 10

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Here is the newest chapter hope you enjoy.

Chapter 10:

It was late at night in the Everfree Forest. There were seven ponies and one dragon asleep. They didn't know that someone or something was watching them. Waiting for the perfect moment to strike. That someone was a changeling. He was ordered by his queen to get the young hero. He wondered why his queen would want such a young earth colt. But it wasn't his place to question, so he is going to capture the earth pony. He waited until he was sure the ponies wouldn't wake up. He snuck past the other six ponies and went to the tent where the only male pony and dragon slept. He looked inside the tent and saw the young colt asleep with the baby dragon next to him. He double checked that there was no one around and then he transformed into a unicorn. He gently picked up the young hero with the magic he gained from his transformation. As he was walking backwards out of the tent he accidently tripped over the dragon's tail making a loud crash noise. He dropped the colt in his surprise. Danny sprung up wide awake and looked around. He saw an unknown unicorn on the floor.

"Who are you!?" Danny exclaimed looking at the unicorn. Spike finally woke up and looked around wildly seeing Danny and an unknown unicorn.

"Danny what's going on?" Spike asked startled.

"I don't know Spike. I woke up after hearing a crash and this unicorn was here." Danny explained to the sleepy dragon. "Now I will ask you again. Who are you?" Danny said staring at the unicorn. The unicorn looked nervous and started backing away. The changeling didn't understand why he was so unnerved by this young earth pony. It's not like the colt could do anything to him or so he thought. Danny didn't know what this unicorn's deal was but it was making him angry. His eyes flashed green shocking the unicorn. "Answer me. Who are you?" Danny demanded done with this unicorn. The mane six woke up when they heard a yell. They all got out of their tents and looked around. They saw Danny and Spike standing off with an unknown unicorn. They were all confused and started walking towards them. The unicorn freaked out when he saw them coming towards him so he took off. The mane six stopped in their tracks watching the unicorn run off. Danny started running after the unicorn only to get the surprise of a lifetime when the unicorn was surrounded by a green light. He looked away blinded by the bright light. When he looked back he was startled when what looked like a bug pony was where the unicorn was. The bug pony looked back at Danny then flew off. Danny was contemplating following when he heard the others running towards him. He looked back towards them then looked back up but couldn't see the bug pony anymore.

"Danny what happened with the unicorn?" Spike asked when they caught up to him.

"Um you probably won't believe me but he transformed into this bug like pony." Danny answered hesitantly not believing himself if that really happened.

"A changeling!?" The mane six and Spike exclaimed surprised.

"What!? That was a changeling?" Danny said surprised.

"Yeah changelings are bug like ponies that can change into different things like other ponies or animals. They feed on love." Twilight explained in her teacher voice.

"We told you about them." RD said staring at Danny weirdly.

"Oh yeah I forgot about that hehe." Danny said rubbing the back of his head embarrassed. The others looked at each other then at Danny before they started laughing. Danny looked startled then started laughing also.

Changeling Nest Crystal Room

"What do you mean you failed!?" Queen Chrysalis yelled at the poor changeling who failed to get Danny.

"I'm sorry my queen. I wasn't expecting the others to wake up besides that colt isn't normal." The changeling apologized only for Chrysalis to turn away from the changeling before she did something she would regret.

"My my Chrissy your changelings aren't very reliable are they. This is why I don't have any minions." Discord laughed at Chrysalis's expanse.

"Oh shut up. I guess I will have to this myself." Chrysalis said turning away from Discord and Sombra.

"Be careful Chrysalis he is tougher than he looks." Sombra warned before he cancelled his connection.

"Bye bye Chrissy dear." Discord waved then disconnected. Chrysalis walked away muttering to herself about incompetent changelings and having to do everything herself. The other changelings looked weary at their queen and stayed out of her way. Chrysalis walked out of the changeling nest smirking evilly.

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