Chapter 14

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Chapter 14:

When Chrysalis Revealed Herself

Danny was able to dodge the blast of magic Chrysalis threw at him even though he was shocked. Chrysalis was clearly angry and she kept firing blasts of magic. Danny kept dodging even though he was in his earth pony form. He was able to get a reprieve when Chrysalis realized that Danny kept dodging her blasts. Danny transformed into his alicorn form and fired a blast at Chrysalis. The others finally got their act together and started going after Chrysalis. She dodged all of them and then turned to face the mane six plus Spike. She fired a huge blast at them causing all of them to duck down. It ended up hitting them and tying their hooves to the ground in a green substance. Danny saw what she did and tried to get to them but Chrysalis blocked his way. Danny annoyed with Chrysalis tried to fire his magic at her but she dodged and went into the air. Danny followed her up and kept throwing blasts at her. She did the same as him and all the mane six could see was green flashes. Chrysalis was very close to blasting Danny but he barely dodged it. While he was getting his bearings she looked inside his mind and what she saw suprised her.

“Well isn’t this a surprise you’re Princess Luna’s long lost twin brother.” She said shocking all of them.

“WHAT!?” They all exclaimed surprised at what she said.

“Princess Luna’s long lost twin brother. I saw it in the back of your mind where your memories of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are restricted. Huh very interesting I wonder…” Chrysalis trailed off with a look of wonder on her face.

“I don’t have a twin brother.” Princess Luna said surprising all of them except Chrysalis who was in thought.

“Princess Luna!” They all exclaimed.

“What are you doing here?” Twilight asked.
“I felt like something bad was going to happen so I followed my instinct and here I am.” Luna explained to them. Chrysalis still wasn’t paying attention thinking about something.

“Well clearly something is happening.” RD said making everyone turn back to Chrysalis however it was to late. She had turned her attention back to Danny and lit her horn up. She blasted Danny with her magic and he fell to the ground stuck in the goop. He yelped and tried to phase through it but for some reason he couldn’t phase through.

“Danny!” All of them yelled worried for him. While they were focusing on him Chrysalis quickly blasted Luna and tied her up. She walked towards Danny and Luna looking at them closely. Her horn lit up and she scanned Danny and Luna with her magic. She saw how connected their magic was and the love they felt even though they didn’t grow up together. Twins were rare in Equestria and they were alicorns so they were even rarer. She slowly started feeding on their love and taking away their magic. Danny and Luna could feel what Chrysalis was doing and they started struggling. Danny didn't like the feel of his power draining away from him and started thinking about ways to escape. When half of their magic was gone he finally came up with an idea. He didn't want to use this move but he had to in order to survive. He took in a deep breath and then wailed like he never wailed before. Since half of his powers were gone it took a lot more effort to use his ghostly wail. Chrysalis was so shocked about the noise that she didn't even have a chance to counter it. Danny kept wailing until finally the bonds that held him and the others dissipated. They were free so the mane six went after Chrysalis while Danny passed out. Luna stayed by Danny even though she was closed to passing out as well. Chrysalis was able to get away so the mane six came back and saw Danny and Luna passed out.

“Come on girls let's take Danny and Luna to the tents.” Twilight said. Her and Rarity used their magic to lift them up and took them to separate tents. The ponies went and sat in a circle talking about what happened.

With Chrysalis in the Crystal Room

Chrysalis was pacing back and forth ranting to King Sombra and Discord about Danny. They both just listened to her going off.

“Wait did you just say that Luna and that hero are sister and brother?” Discord asked Chrysalis.

“Yes they are siblings.” Chrysalis said.

“How interesting Tia never mentioned having a brother.” Discord said thinking about Princess Celestia.

“Go ask her!” King Sombra yelled at Discord.

“Fine I'm going.” Discord said leaving.

“We will talk more about this later.” Sombra said leaving also.

“Ugh.” Chrysalis scoffed her horn lighting up and she blasted one of the little crystals on the wall. “I will defeat him.” She said then left the room also.

A/N: Here is chapter 14 sorry it is kind of late. To the two guest who said the cliffhanger and long waits are annoying I am sorry as I have said before the story writes itself practically. And to the other guest who was so nice Thank You!  I am glad you like my story! 

-Arty Out

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