Chapter 12

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Chapter 12:

Danny and the others were walking where the beam was pointing. Twilight's horn was getting brighter and brighter the more they walked. They kept walking until they heard something heading their way. They all stopped and looked to where the noise was coming from. It sounded like hooves on the ground someone was coming their way and fast. Twilight released the tracking spell when she realized this. Danny, however, felt that the pony coming towards them was the bad thing he was sensing so he went ghost and prepared to fight. The others realizing that Danny was getting ready to fight took up stances that would best benefit their skills. Twilight had her horn pointed where the pony was coming from as did Rarity even though her magic wasn't as strong. Rainbow Dash went into the air where she felt more comfortable and Fluttershy was hiding afraid of what was to come. Pinkie Pie pulled out some cupcakes where she got them no one knows. While Applejack got a lasso out ready to tie whoever was coming towards them. Spike was right next to Fluttershy also hiding he is a baby dragon after all. Danny had his horn lit and was in front of the others so they wouldn't get hurt. The pony was close to them and when they entered the clearing they all gasped except for Danny. The reasoning behind that was because the pony who entered the clearing was Princess Cadance.
"Ca...Cadance?" Twilight stuttered shocked to see her sister in law who they thought was still trapped in the changeling's nest.

"Twi...Twilight? Oh, am I glad to see you. I was barely able to escape from the changelings." Cadance said happy to see Twilight and the others.

"How were you able to escape?" RD asked wondering if it truly was Cadance.

"The changelings were running around something must have made them uneasy because they weren't watching over me. I was able to gather up enough of my magic to get the keys then escaped." Cadance explained to them it sounded believable so the mane six relaxed. The only one who didn't was Danny and that was because he felt like there was something off. Cadance finally noticed him and realized he was a male alicorn. "Who is this?" She asked them wondering who the strange pony was.

"Oh this is Danny he is a hero from another world. We summoned him and he was able to save Princess Luna." Twilight explained to Cadance.

"Oh a hero from another world you say."Cadance said she looked like she was thinking about something so the others let her.

"Hey Danny you can relax now." Twilight said noticing Danny still had his horn lit.

"I...I don't think that is Princess Cadance." Danny whispered to the others making sure the pony in question didn't hear him.

"What of course it's Princess Cadance. You don't even know her." RD said sure that it was indeed Princess Cadance. Twilight, however, looked at Cadance again and realized that she was an idiot. She went over to Princess Cadance and started doing her little dance that they made up together.

"Sunshine. Sunshine. Ladybug's awake. Clap your hooves and do a little shake." Twilight started and Cadance joined in doing it with her. "She is Cadance if she was a changeling then she wouldn't know of that." Twilight said looking towards Danny. "You can relax now Danny." Danny still looked unsure but he deactivated his alicorn/ghost form and went back to his earth pony form.

"Since we now have Princess Cadance what are we going to do?" AJ asked looking around at the others.

"Hmm we need to find a way to find Princess Celestia. Since your tracking spell won't work we need to find an alternative." Danny said thoughtfully but also keeping an eye on Princess Cadance without the others noticing. The others got thoughtful looked on their face thinking also.

Princess Cadance's POV

'Those ponies are foolish.' I thought to myself watching them think about how to rescue their precious sun princess from Discord. 'I am glad that I was able to fool them and that I know that little dance the princesses do together. Although that little hero wasn't so easy to fool I might need to be careful around him' I thought while making sure the others thought I was paying attention to them. I noticed the little hero kept looking back at me like I was about to show my true face. I looked at him and made sure to smile like how the love princess would. "Good thing I studied her before I captured her.' I thought feeling like I was truly brilliant for thinking ahead like I did unlike those idiots Discord and Sombra. 'I am going to get you soon little hero. Your powers will be mine soon and then all those little ponies will be helpless.'

A/N: Okay I am officially evil I totally wasn't planning this at all. Most of the stories I write I don't plan in fact this chapter pretty much wrote itself. Sorry, I lied to you all about how the next chapter would be a lot longer. I also apparently love my cliffhangers. Anywho

-Arty out.

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