Chapter 11

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Chapter 11:

After the fiasco with the changeling they decided to go back to sleep, however, Danny decided to stand watch over them. He would not be able to go back to sleep after what happened. He paced back and forth looking out towards the trees when he heard a rustling noise in one of the bushes. He went ghost and lit up his horn preparing for an attack only for a bunny to come out of the bushes.

"Oh it's only a bunny. Calm down Danny no need to get yourself worked up." Danny muttered under his breath and continued pacing. Danny didn't know why he was so worked up after all he is used to going back to sleep after an attack. He felt like something bad was going to come and hurt him and his friends. As the moon started going down Danny kept looking through the trees. When the sun came up everyone woke up and came out of their tents. They all looked at Danny and saw that he was staring out at the forest.

"Danny did you stay up the rest of the night?" Twilight asked startling Danny.

"Huh? What? Oh yeah, I did." Danny admitted after figuring what Twilight asked him.

"Why?" RD asked Danny looking at him strangely once again.

"Oh um I was keeping watch." Danny said rubbing the back of his neck.

"You didn't have to do that darling." Rarity said looking at Danny with concern.

"I know it's just I have this bad feeling." Danny said looking back out at the forest.

"Bad feelin'?" AJ asked wondering what Danny could mean.

"I have this sort of sixth sense something bad is coming this way." Danny said absently.

"Som...something ba....bad?" Fluttershy stuttered looking everywhere like something was going to pop out.

"Huh I don't sense anything with my Pinkie Sense." Pinkie said wondering of something was wrong with it.

"Pinkie Sense? Nevermind. Yes Fluttershy I feel like something is coming. I sort of developed a sixth sense for this sort of thing." Danny said looking over at Pinkie then at Fluttershy. The others looked at each other in worry wondering what ever could be coming their way.

"Anyways we should get moving before that bad thing comes here." Danny said the others nodded in agreement and packed up their tents. They looked at Twilight when they were packed. Her horn lit up looking for Princess Cadance it shot a beam going left so they all followed it. They were glad that the tracking spell wasn't blocked. They kept following the beam where ever it turned. As they kept following they didn't realize they were about to collide with a very mad changeling queen.

Ponyville with Princess Luna

Princess Luna had just risen the sun when she looked out towards the Everfree Forest feeling very antsy like something bad was about to happen. She went towards the barrier like she was possessed and lit her horn up. She opened up a hole in the barrier and left the safety of it. She closed it back up then started running towards where she felt something bad happening. What she didn't know was that something was happening and that she will soon lose half of her magic.

A/N: Here is chapter 11 sorry it is so short but that is the only way I will be able to keep getting these chapters out plus this one is leading up to something. The next one should hopefully be a lot longer.


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