Meeting in the Woods

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"Isn't this fun?" Cole asked Jay as they rode their horse in the woods.

"Yay, and it's so nice in the forest." Jay said, he couldn't stop smiling. This was his first time out of the palace, he was enjoying it.

Cole has snuck Jay out of the palace so they could go riding in the woods. The only person who knew was Wu, and Cole had to promise not to take his eyes off Jay.

He also had to clean the horse pens the day after tomorrow, he wasn't looking forward to that part. Especially since the horses do their business in there. But it would all be worth it for Jay to have a few hours of being normal, for once in his life.

"I thought you would like a few hours of not being a prince." Cole said. "Also, for the record, don't tell your parents I did this, they would banish me from the kingdom."

Jay nodded, but was still smiling. Why didn't he ask Cole to do this years ago. He was having so much fun.

Suddenly, he heard what sounded like singing. It was so beautiful, it was like an angel's voice. There was something else about the voice, Jay was quite sure why, but it made him feel safe, and loved. It was magical.

Jay was so distracted that he didn't even noticed that Cole had moved on without him. He rode his horse, Wisp, towards the sound, as they got closer, Jay couldn't help but notice how much lovelier the voice sounded.

He was soon by a stream. He saw another horse tied up by a tree branch and saw the most beautiful girl he's ever seen by the stream.

She had short raven black hair, charming brown eyes, and lips that looked red as a ruby. For the first time in his life, Jay was speechless. 

The girl turned around and saw Jay. "Hello, who are you?" She asked.

"J-Jay, and this is Wisp." He said and nodded towards his horse.

"I'm Nya, and this is Waves." Nya said and nodded towards her own horse. "Do you want to get off Wisp and talk for a bit?"

All Jay could do was nod, he quickly got off Wisp and tied her reins to the tree branch besides Waves and walks over to Nya.

"So, what are you doing out here?" Jay asked.

"I'm trying to get away from all the pressure my family has been putting on me lately. They want me to met some boy they think I'll like, but I really want to choose my own destiny myself." Nya said, a frown now on her face.

"So, what are you doing out here?" Nya asked, her smile now returning.

"I'm escaping my over protective parents for a little while." Jay said.

"They can't be that over protective, can they?" Nya asked.

"Yes they can. They keep me inside out home at all times, and won't let me be alone for more than a couple of minutes." Jay said.

"Well, I'm sure it's just because they love you and don't want anything to happen to you." Nya said and put a hand on his shoulder. This made Jay blush madly. He could feel himself getting red as a tomato, and Nya seemed to be blushing as well.

Jay couldn't explain it, but he felt safe with Nya. Not only was she beautiful, but she also was a very intelligent person.

The two of the talked for a while longer, but Jay didn't tell Nya that he was a prince. That normally made people act differently around him, like they change how they speak to him, and how they act.

Then Jay heard someone call his name "Jay!!! Where are you!!!" It was Cole. Jay now realized that they had been talking a long time, and he had to leave.

"I have to go." Jay said and tried to walk away, but Nya grabbed his arm.

"When can I see you again?" Nya asked.

Jay thought about this a moment and said "Here, tomorrow at dusk."

Nya smiled and waved goodbye as Jay got on Wisp, and rode back to his friend.

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