Chapter 7: Round 1

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Tiandria on the side >>>>>>>>>

Tiandria pov

I woke up getting ready for this Thunders support group meeting thing that Nikki invited me to come along with her. I was happy about the fact she invited me, I didn't want to stay in this house all alone since Tevin had to leave to go to a bussiness meeting this morning and Russell left for his training, it was just going be boring plus I don't want to be left behind while Nikki continue through her fabulous life as a basketball girlfriend. You know ......I just dont want her to forget about me but enough with that sad talk.

I walk downstairs to find Nikki on the phone standing by the door. She looked like she was fustrated. She finally hung up sighing rubbing her hand through her hair. "

What up boo?" I asked standing beside her.

"My dad girl. He called tripping because he had to read through magzines that Im with Russell and wondering why I moved in with someone I only knew for 3 months." she sighed walking out the door.

We got into Russell's Lamborghini Veneno Roadster, Gosh I love this car. I asked Russell could I have one of his cars, he just laughed his ass off saying imma tow his shit. He got me complety fucked up that's my baby Tevin who get's his shit towed not me! But what the fuck ever, Nikki and I was listenting to 'Talk Dirty To Me' when we arrived. The house was big but not bigger than Russell's Masion. I looked over at Nikki who was taking a deep breath.

"You ready?" I asked once she breathed out.

"Yeah, let's go." she answered getting out the car with me right by her side.

We walk to the door about to knock when a white girl with long brunette hair opened the door all preppy.

"Hey! I'm Mya you must be Nichole?"

"Um yea...Am I at the right place? The Thunders support whatever?" Nikki asked looking around confused.

"Yeah come in!" she said stepping to side letting us in. Once inside Mya led us to the living room to where everybody was at.

Everybody stopped what they doing to look at me and Nikki. Damn .....Akward. I nudged Nikki telling her to speak since nobody going too. "Hey Everybody. I'm Nichole but people call me Nikki and this my friend Tiandria. I'm Russell Westbrook's girlfriend." she introduced . I waved awkwardly to them.

They just looked at us like we some damn aliens until the girl that came to our house yesterday stood up finally speaking

. "Hello....Nikki...Tiandria. Glade yall can come please sit. We were just starting." Quintina spoke putting on a fake ass smile. Why the bitch pause saying our names like it hurt her to say it.

'Calm down Tia just calm down before you beat somebody ass....' I chanted in my head while sitting down on the sofa with Nikki following me.

Nikki Pov

I sat next to Tiandria on the couch and beside us was this girl around our age. She look pretty with her long black hair with a caramel complexion. She look annoyed tho .

"Hey....Are you okay ?" I whispered to the girl. She looked at me giving me a sweet smile.

"Yeah, i just hate coming to these meetings . I don't being around lots of people definitely stuck up bitches." She spoke. " By the way I'm Monique."

"Oh, I understand me too and Nikki." I said smiling

. "Nice meeting you by the way Russell and you look cute." She complimented. I was about to ask her something when queen bitch start speaking.

"Okay ladies, Our men got a game coming up Friday night so need to be there in our box to support them. Also we fundraising to the 'WhyNot' campaign so please bring 100 dollars either this weeek or next week to donate." Quintina spoke sipping her drinking like her shit don't stink.

People start discussing other shit, i zoned out. I looked over at Triandria to see her ass halfway sleep, i pinched her arms making her sit up looking like she ready to fight. Monique and I laughed,

Tiandria stuck her middle finger up . "Fuck y'all. I'm trying to sleep, y'all wanna play and shit ." She complained.

"Are you mad .....or nah? " i asked flipping my hair.

"Pissed! " she screamed, i rolled my eyes playing with my nails.

"Oh ..." i said with no emotion.During our little exchange Monique was laughing at us.

"Y'all funny! Do y'all do that all the time ?" She laughed, Tiandria looked her confused.

"Um not being rude or anything but who the hell are you ?" She asked titling her head.

"My name Monique Wright ." Monique answered. Tiandria mouth gapped open.

"Omg ! You Kevin Durant girlfriend !" She exclaimed. People stared at us for a second before going back to discussing whatever.

"Yeah its me. " she laughed. "You are ?" She asked Tiandria.

"Oh i'm Tiandria, I'm friends with this bitch here ." She said pointing to me . I shoved her ass

Somebody cleared they throat . "If you ladies are done playing around, we -" Quintina said before i interrupted.

"Hold up, pause !" I said holding my hand out. i turn to look at Monique. " Aren't you Thunders captain, Kevin Durant ,girlfriend? "

"Girl yes! " she said nodding her head clapping her hand ghetto, I chuckled.

"Okay why the hell you leading this group if you not the captain's girl? " i said looking at Quintina, crossing my legs. Tia and Monique laughed but i really wanna know! Quintina kissed her teeth before answering.

" If you must know -"

"I must !" I said smiling at her. She balled her fist .

"The reason i'm the head president is because I'm an actual WIFE of a basketball player. Girlfriends aren't allowed to lead the support group. " she stated rolling her eyes. Out the corner of left eye i could see Monique balling her fist

. "Why the hell is that so ? " Monique said leaning forward ready to pounce. Tiandria and I followed her lead. I ' m a girlfriend too so i want her to say the wrong thing. I triple dare her .

" Let's say it like this , basketball girlfriends are like clothes . You can only fit them for so long. " Quintina answered.

It was complete silence.

"Stupid ass bitch! " Monique screamed throwing the lamp on table beside her at Quintina . Unfortunately it didn't hit her ass. Quintina stood up ready to charge with some of the other ladies . Tiandria and I stood up snatching out our earrings, Mya doing the same as well.

Round 1!


Short chapter :(

Hey Beautiful People! Updated today because I see I have Over 300 reads *Happy Dance*

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