Chapter 4: Who You With ?

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Russell POV

I was sitting on the bench in the locker room wrapping my wrist. It sorta hurts from all them dunks i made. I was happy to see Nikki sitting in the court side seats i got for her and my bro Tevin and his girl. I sent one of the securities to go get her so i can talk to her before going back out there.

A few minutes later Terrance, the security i sent, came in with Nikki following close behind him looking nervous. Damn she look sexy wearing her jersey with my number on it.

She breath a sigh of relief once she saw me.

"Gosh I was scared! I thought i was going get kicked out." she said walking to me hugging me. She is midget compared to my 6'3 frame but she fit perfectly in my arms.

"Why you thought you was about to get kicked out?" i asked letting her go looking at her biting my lips. She looked down i could tell she's blushing.

"Because i was twerking..." she mumbled but i heard her. I laughed.

" You really thought you was going get kick out because of that? If that was to happen then we wouldn't have no dance team." i said while still laughing.

She just shook her looking up at me with her brown eyes.

"Whatever, whats up? Why you had this Men in black nigga come get me." she spoke, gesturing to Terrance who was standing in the corner, guarding.

"Well i want to ask you something. " i spoke taking a deep breath before continuing. " I know we only met each other a month ago but i cant lie i got feelings for you. And the more I'm around you it seem like i become addicted. I think what I'm trying to say is would you be my girl ?" i rushed out. She looked shock, i couldn't blame her. I was scared shitless. Seem like I'm in Kidgarden asking a girl out.

"Um.. i don't know. I'm not going front i got feelings for you too but like you said we just met each other a month ago and i not sure... I'm just confused." She said crossing her arms looking down.

Well damn that hurt my ego a little. I not sure myself I'm not use to this shit , i haven't had a steady girlfriend since high school. I'm 26.... that's been a while but i know i like her. She's different, she's not a gold digging whore.

"Okay I make a deal with you. If we win this game you be my girl. If I don't..." I trailed not really wanting to say. She looked me in the eye for a second looking like she searching for something. She slowly noded her head smiling. I rubbed her cheeks making her blush . Damn I can make her blush by not doing anything really.

The buzzer rung indicating that half time is over. Terrance took her back to her seat while I went out with the team. Kevin patted my back.

"You ready to do this man." he asked as we got out there.

I looked over at him putting on my game face.

"Let's do this shit !" I said


Nikki POV

I went back to my seat to watch the rest of the game. I filled Tevin and Tiandria in on the deal Russell and I made during half time. Let's just say they rooting for Oklahoma to win even more then they already were.

It was the last quarter, right now its a tie 70-70, 1 minute til game over.

"COME ON THUNDERS!!!!!" Tevin yelled. People was yelling, cheerleaders cheer, coach yelling. It was just crazy almost like its New Year's.

50 seconds.... Kevin passed the ball to Nick Collison

40 seconds....

I was getting anxious. I don't know if i want them to win or not .I don't know if i want to be Russell Westbrook girlfriend or not. I cant lie i do have feelings for him but the thought of being a basketball girlfriend scares me. I watch them reality shows...them Ex basketball lovers. I don't want to be one of them.

15 seconds ....

Do i want to be with him? I only knew him for a month. This shit too fast.

11 seconds....Russell gets the ball.

I think i know who I'm rooting for.









2..Russell shoots



1.... He SCORES!

" HELL YEAH! GO THUNDERS!" Tevin, Tiandria, and I yelled standing up!

People was going crazy! All the players ran to the floor celebrating. I ran pushing through the big ass giants. I found Russell, immediately  rushing up to hugging him.

"Congratulations boyfriend." i said, smiling up at him.

He picked me, making me be up to his level,he pressed his forehead to mine. Then that magically ass moment

happened . We kissed!

I'm officially Russell Westbrook girlfriend.

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Short chapter.  But once again thanks for the votes and comments! That means so much to me you don't understand.  :)


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