chapter 9: Who 's Boss ?

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Nikki pov

"Daddy?!!??!" I yelled jumping down from the island to go hug him but he moved away so i couldn't touch him . I stood there shocked,  daddy never denied me a hug . I felt like a lil kid i almost wanted to cry . I felt Russell come  up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me into him a lil . This seem to get daddy upset.

" Get your hands off my daughter! " daddy said pulling me away from Russell's grip .  Russell put his hands up taking a step back .  While he was doing that i realized he didnt have no shirt.  Damn !

"Umm Russell, maybe you should go upstairs and you know ..." i said gesturing towards his chest . It took him a minute to understand what i was talking about but he finally got it .

" ohhhh shit ! Excuse me  sir i be back ." Russell said walking out the kitchen to go upstairs. 

"Maybe you should do the same Tevin. " Tiandria spoke getting off the counter walking to daddy and i while Tevin left.

"Tiandria. " daddy greeted in a  sharp tone.

" Mr .Green ." Tiandria spoke back in the same tone crossing her arms . 

"Let me guess you live here too ."

"Congratulations!  Want a cookie?  " Tia answered rolling her eyes .

Confused?  Well let me explain.  My dad and Tiandria don't get along at all . Why ? Well in high school Tiandria and i use to get in trouble a lot , run in with the laws , getting arrested , you know typical stuff .  Daddy thinks if i haven't befriend Tia i probably wouldn't have done a lot stuff i did but he's wrong and i tried to tell him but you know my words are ingored .

" i should have known.  You probably set her up with this  boy , am i right ?"

" Dad - " i said before getting cut off by Tiandria.

"Hol up ,  pause ! You saying it like i made her fall in love with Russell! " Tiandria screamed .

"But am i right ? You set her up with this ' Russell ' fella ?" Dad spoke raising a eyebrow. Tiandria just stayed silent tapping her foot. " Mhhmm i was right . You set my daughter up with this baller then when they got together and start shacking together you had to come along and live in the fame too , you know since your design career ain't going no where. "

I gasped covering my mouth.  They always been mean to each other but dad went below the belt .

Tevin and Russell finally walks into the kitchen with a shirt on . Tevin look over to Tia to see she got tears in her eyes,  he quickly ran over to her grabbing her face making her look at him .  Russell came over to me looking at me confused,  i just shook my head indicating he should just stay quiet .  I turn to look at my dad .

"Dad why are you here ?" I asked putting on my business face .

" First I'm your daddy so don't question me  . Second , i'm wondering why the hell i had to read from magazines that my damn daughter is with a basketball player.  Why your ass couldn't call me ?! " he yelled . I still kept my business face , one thing i learned from daddy was never drop your face.

"Dad- " i got cut off by Tiandria.

" Fuck You ! She's not a little girl ! She dont got to call your ass and my designing career is going somewhere bitch unlike your last marriage! " Tia yelled,  Tevin held her back while she was tugging against his grip .

" I never liked your dumb ass ! " daddy spoke .  They continue throwing insults at each other .

"EVERYBODY SHUT THE HELL UP ! " Russell yelled making everybody go on hush mode .  Security came in the kitchen with guns in their hands . They slowly put it down once they didn't see no harm .

"Where the hell were y'all  this whole fucking time? !! " i screamed . Like damn fr !


Tevin pov

All of us was now sitting in the living room .  Russell sat in his fancy lazy boy with Nikki in his lap while Tia and I sat on love seat and Mr. Green sat in the other lazy boy .  Russell made security be in the living room just in case shit pop off again. 

"Okay now we all calm lets do this over . It is nice to meet you Mr. Green,  i only wish we could've met earlier before you read and heard through news that i was dating your daughter. " Russell spoke.

"Yeah that would've been nice ." Mr. Green said in a dry tone. Gosh i wish i could whoop his ass .

" No need to have attitude Mr. Green . We trying to start on the right foot. " Russell said leaning back in his lazy boy along with Nikki.

" It would've been right if my daughter called me telling me she was moving in with someone she only knew for a damn month ." Mr. Green stated standing up from his lazy boy . Security quickly pulled out their guns pointing it  at Mr. Green.

" I would advise you to stay calm and stay in your seat Mr.  Green .  Im sure your daughter wouldn't like to see you get shot ." Russell said in a bored tone .

Damn is this the same Russell i befriended in high school?  Ohh yeah it is! You don't piss him off though.

Mr. Green sat back in his lazy boy while the security put their guns away .

"Now like i said i wish we could've met earlier but unfortunately we didn't so now we can only move on and focus on the future.  Now do you want to part of your daughter' s life or nah? " Russell asked .

Everybody looked over at Mr. Green .

" Of course i do !" He huffed . Everybody seem to release a breath that no one knew they was holding even security.

" Well glade to hear . Do you have place to stay while you here ? "

" No i was planning to get hotel ." He said looking at his watch . It was 8 something.

"Daddy you can stay here . " Nikki spoke for the first time since this little gathering.

"Wait what ? " Russell asked looking at her like she 's sick . Im pretty sure that's how we all look at her .

" please baby !! Pretty please! " Nikki begged giving Russell a puppy dog face . This already a lost battle.

"Fine bae ."  He huffed . She start cheering while Tia mumble some words that im not going repeat. "Aw and before we end this 'meeting' , Tiandria and you got to go back to the Thunders support group tomorrow.  " Russell spoke lifting Nikki off him getting up .

" What !!!?" They both yelled together.

"Sarah! !!! May you please escort Mr. Green to his room . " Russell said ignoring the girls . I chuckled standing up stretching .

"Of course Mr . Westbrook " Sarah spoke.

"Are you forreal Russell !? "  Tia screamed.

" So serious!  Goodnight y'all! " Russell spoke dragging Nikki along with him upstairs .

Damn He's a boss .!


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Heyy babies!  Thought i forgot?  lol nah i been writing all day ! Over 600 reads ! Yay !!!!!! Love you guys ! Thank you !!!!!

Don't know when imma update again but know i will! 

2 weeks down of school many more to go smh .

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