Chapter 3 (Everyone's Night)

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Jacob's POV

I was tired from flying all the way from Detroit to St. Louis, but then again Mahogany is wide awake and has all the girly insight on all the guys. It always interseted me on how guys talk with girls, when guys are with guys they need to be all macho and tough. Then they get infront of girls and they explain everything they kept form their "guy friends." Which means when they get infront of a gay guy (like myself) there is a perfect balance of security a comfortability (like a guy) and the right amount of understanding (like a girl). Therefor before i let the other guys expirence what it's like to be alone with me, I should get some insight from Mahogany.

"So Mahogany?" I yelled to her from inside the bathroom.

"What is it?" She answered back in the sweetest way.

"I have a few questions" I explained to her, "and they won't be easy to answer."

"I'm used to answering tough questions." She responded back with a big sense of confidence.

I came out of the bathroom in my pajamas because this conversation had to be made face to face.

"You've been with the guys for awhile and I was wondering about their perspectives on girls. because I want to know if I should be looking out for Mary just in case."

Mahogany looked at the floor clearly trying to remember if they ever talked about taste in girls before. "Well" she started wearily, "Nash and Cam like brunettes i believe who are out going and fun. Matt and Shawn prefer the simpler girls who can just lay down and watch a movie but have a sense of flexibility. And Carter likes anything with two legs and a heartbeat."

I stayed silent and actually thought about Mary. She was all of those things rolled into one, and she would probably be hit on. I'm perfectly fine with that but it's very concerning for some reason. Then I thought about me. I was also all those things rolled into one. I guess me and the guys would get along.

"Another question i have is how do they feel about me?" I asked Mahognay, "Like before meeting me, what did they say?"

"Well hears the thing Jake, they couldn't say anything because when we heard about who you are Bart told us not to look you up before we met you because he didn't want us to judge you beforehand. So they didn't say anything. All I know is Carter is excited to meet you and that's it."

They were literally starting from scratch? Wow. I don't have to worry about what they think about me because they dont even know me. YEEEEEEEES!!!!

"Last question, what guys do you have your eyes on?" I finally aksed her, "personally I think Shawn, Jack Gilinsky and Cam are the hottest but what about you?"

She let out a big laugh and all the walls that were built up around us fell. "Okay after you get to know them, they become like brothers to you, so all those thoughts that you have right now won't be there forever. But personally Jacob was my man, and now instead of Jacob Whitesides I have Jacob Peterson." And with that she pulled me into a hug. The typical gay guy hug that everyone girl loves to have.

Mary's POV

"SHAWN" I yelled to him from inside the bathroom.

"Jesus you got some lungs on you! WHAT?" He replied trying to mimic me.

I'm the kinda girl that doesn't mess around and i get straight to the point when i have questions.

"Are you okay with Jake being gay *click* or naw?" I asked trying not to come off too strong.

Shawn let out a small chuckle and said, "I'm completely fine with his lifestyle choice." He started sincerely, "I have multiple gay friends back home and few family members so it's nothing new to me. In all honesty I actually prefer it. All my gay friends help me with problems with my life and help me dress for dates."

Wow he didn't care that Jake was slightly different at all. He actually liked that he wasn't perfect and prefered it.

"However, I'm not so sure about the other guys. They are going to have to get to know him as a person because some of the things they said about him weren't the nicest things."

"What do you mean" I asked confused.

"Well they always waited untill Mahogany was out of the room because she has a special connection with gays. But they were saying things like 'I hope this guy doesn't get hard for me' and shit like that. I didn't get involved when talking about that because like I said before I know gay people and their better than the "regular" people" he ended making the air qoutes with his fingers.

This was bad. The other guys didnt't even know him and were already judging him just off him being gay.

Jack Gilinsky's POV

"That was weird meeting him huh?" Nash said from the desk Mahogany was recently at.

"He didn't look like the typical gay guy when he walked through the door he just looked like a regualar guy." I said slightly defending Jacob.

"Yeah but right when he opened his mouth, you could tell." Nash fired back.

Nash always had this thing about gay guys and how he thought they acted and dressed and talked. Basically be believed the stereotypes about them.

"We hardly even know him." Matt said from his bed where he was still laying.

"That's just because he just got here needed to rest, for Magcon." Jack Johnson said.

"Why would he need to rest for Magcon, that's not for another 3 days." Cam said sitting in his chair.

"WHAT" all the guys said in unison.

"Bart just texted me" Cam said and started reading the text out loud, "guys i know you're expecting Magcon to be tomorrow but its actually in 3 days. I wanted you guys to embrace the new guy before going out on stage with him, build up your chemistry and treat him nicely."

"BULLSHIT" Nash yelled when Cam finished reading the text, "THE NEW GUYS ALREADY MESSING THINGS UP!"

"Calm down Nash, it's Bart making this decision not him." I said trying to calm him down.

"I have a date with this girl I met at the airport tomorrow and now that Magcons the day after that means i can't stay out as late as I could because we all know how Bart hates that."

"Speaking of dates" Matt chimed in clearly trying to change the topic, "who was that girl he brought along?"

"Wasn't she a friend of his or something?" Carter asked clearly trying to get a full perspective on the relationship between her and Jacob.

"No, he said best friend." Jack Johnson corrected.

"Bart told us not to go after her guys, now he never said anything about if she came to us." Cam noted giving up a sly smile.

All the guys are going to be fighting for this other girl that came along and fights are going to start and rivalries will be made. But not if I have anything to say about it. I'm going to make sure that Jake and Mary are both safe until they warm up to everyone.


So just incase you didn't realize in those 3 little snippets of everyone's night.

Mahogany and Jacob are friends now. Mary and Shawn are just starting to know eachother. Nash doesn't like Jacob, Jack Gilinsky is looking out for Jacob and Mary. Carter has the hots for Mary and Shawn wants to be friends with Jacob. The next update I do will be when Nash goes on a date. Jacob and Mary will have very big parts along with Mahogany and Cam.

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