Chapter 19 (Bisexual)

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Shawn's POV

Finally Jake let go of me after about 10 minutes of grabbing onto me which I gladly accepted, it was cute. Now he had his headphones in and fell asleep, he was so cute when he sleeps. Wait did I just say that? Ah probably nothing. I knew that once we started to land he would cling to me again and wait until we were on the ground so I was prepared.

"Hey Nash. Where your apartment?" I asked not too loud because I didn't want to wake Jake from his slumber.

"Dowtown LA." He told me and now Cam was looking at me too.

"How many bedrooms are there? I know you didn't expect Jake coming along from the start." I wondered where he would sleep.

"3. My room, Cam's room and Carter's room." He looked away.

"Well where's Jake going to sleep?"

"In Carter's room." Cam took over the conversation, because he could tell Nash was getting annoyed.

"Then where am I going to sleep?" I asked curiously.

"In Carter's room." Cam smirked.

"OK, that's all I wanted to know"." I put my hands up in defeat, knowing that they had two beds in that room. Eventhough sharing a bed with Jake couldn't be that hard.

The pilot came over the loud speeaker, "Passengers we will begin our decent into the LA area shortly please retun to your seats and buckle your seatbelts."

Jake's eyes shot open as if he sensed the plane was going to land. He grabbed onto my hand and I held back squeezing it for comfort. Soon he was grabbing onto and I took my sweatshirt off when we started flying so all he could grab onto was my t-shirt. The wheels touched the ground and the plane started to shake and Jake kept his face buried in my chest like all the other times. I knew a fear like this wasn't because of just seeing pictures of 9/11 but that didn't stop him from grabbing onto me. He detached himself when we slowed down and finally got up from his seat. We were on our way off of the plane and headed towards baggage claim to get our stuff, and Nash wanted to make a vine. He handed the phone to Jake and Nash sat cross legged on the track while Jake recorded. Nash posted it saying how I relax in airports. Instantly he got likes and revines but Nash was used to it and put his phone in his pocket. I went to go get a taxi while the others grabbed our bags. I ran outside and got some guy just as everyone was coming out. Jake handed me my suitcase and our hands touched and I shivered. Why did that happen? His hands must be cold. We arrived at Nash and Cam's apartment and I flopped down on the couch, just as I did Jake flopped down right on top of me. I layed there for a second and realized I couldn't breathe so I pushed him off of me and he fell to the floor.

"I'm going to go put my stuff away." I ran to Carter's room that was mine and Jake's room for the week. I opened the door and instantly I noticed something was wrong. There was only one bed.

"Nash, Cam!" I shouted. They came running to see what was wrong, "There's only one bed!"

"We know." Nash laughed with Cam.

"Are telling me I don't get my own bed?" I was irratated.

"Oh calm down your both skinny and that's a king sized bed. You'll be fine." Cam told me after sharing looks with Nash and walked away. I groaned and put all my clothes in the drawers. I walked out of our room to see what was going on.

"NO, I'M NOT DOING THAT!" Jake was yelling at Nash and Cam who wer standing infront of him while he was on the couch.

"Why not dude, it's fun and we'll watch you this time." Nash was trying to convince him to do something.


"What's going on in here!" I wanted to know what all the fighting was for.

"We want Jake to go to a party with us but he's afraid he'll make out with someone again." Cam told me.

"It was a photo shopped picture." Jake told him.

"No it wasn't, we all know that it was a cover up for the fans, I mean Jack's bi so who cares anyways."

We all knew Jack was bi, and so are a lot of the guys, but I guess we forgot to tell Jake that.

"Jack is bi?" Jake yelled shocked.

"Oh, guys I think we forgot to tell him." I sat down on the couch with Jake so he wasn't out numbered.

"Well so you know...Jack G is bi, Jack J is bi, Shawn is bi, Matt is bi and Nash is bi." Cam went through the names and didn't miss a single one. Jake's mouth hanged open like he saw a ghost.

"Why are you telling me this now!" Jake got up and walked around the back of the couch, "if you told me this earlier I wouldn't have had to make up this whole story about how it was photo shopped and shit!" He yelled mostly at Cam.

"We thought you knew and you were only saying that for the fans." I told him still sitting on the couch, "people are the most truthful when they're drunk so clearly Jack is hot for you and wanted to kiss you."

"Then why did Mahogany pull me out of there?" Jake kept asking all these questions.

"Because she doesn't know." Nash jumped in.

"Well either way gay, bi or not I'm not going out to another bar tonight!" Jake was staying firm.

"Look, you guys go and I'll stay here with him." I told Nash and Cam. They walked out of the apartment and left to go to whatever party they were talking about. I was left there with Jake who went to our room to get his stuff put away. I turned on the TV and "Dance Moms" was on. My favorite show. My eyes were glued to the TV when Jake came out.

"Why are you watching this?" He laughed.

"This is my favorite show!" I squeled like a little girl.

Jake looked at me proplexed and I didn't return his gaze.

"I love this show too." I plainly told me.

"Cristi is my favorite mom."

"Mine too"

"Abby's a bitch and Cristi is a bitch right back to her!" I loved this conversation we were having.

"So Jack G is bi?" He asked me as if he didn't understand the 1st time.

"Yup but he sways more towards girls." I've known for awhile and it wasn't awkward to talk about it anymore.

"What about you?" He asked me the question I wish he didn't ask.

"Mostly guys, but I'm borderline gay anyways." I told him the truth because he deserved to know. "Mary is actually one of the few girl I've gone straight for."

He stood up and grabbed my hand pulling me off the couch.

"What are you doin'?" I asked Jake.

"C'mon let's go out to eat." He smiled and interlocked our hands and headed for the door.

"I thought you didn't want to go out?" I questioned.

"I didn't want to go out to a bar." He quickly answered.

He led us both out the door and slammed it shut behind us.

Woah can you say plot twist. It took forever but I finally got to the part of the story I was waiting for. Now that you know everybody and have everyone's POV's I decided now would a great time to introduce this part of the story. How do you think Shawn and Jake's relationship will change? Will anything become of this new info? What will Mahogany do when she finds out? Will Jake or anyone hook up with eachother?

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