Chapter 18 (Don't Come Back)

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Jack Johnson's POV

We took no time to get to Jake and his crew that just came off stage. They were all celebrating their amazing, literally show stopping preformence and stopped once they saw us coming towards them. They lined up in a straight line, like they were ready to attack us. Nash was the 1st to say something.

"Guys that was..." Nash took his time with each word, "Awesome!"

What? He thought that was awesome? They lied to us behind our back. Sure it was a great preformence but why do it all secretly?

"You guys were great and the fans loved it!" Jack shouted. Of course he liked it,he was featured as Jake's boyfriend.

"You guys can really sing." Cam added to the conversation, "Who knew?"

They all had big smiles on their faces waiting for everyone to praise them.Then all 10 eyes fell on me.

"I'm sorry, but I think that was unnecessary!" I plainly stated, "I think a whole lot of ducking around eachother and running off behind our backs and lying to us for that."

"Yeah, what was with all the hiding and secrets." Carter asked.

"I think you guys, were over reacting." Matt jumped in.

Everyone looked shocked that they didn't like the preformence.

"So what? You didn't like the preformene?" Mary was being sassy as usual.

"No I thought it was great, you sounded amazing, I love that song. It's just you were being so secertive for no reason." I put my opinion in.

"Why is this such a big deal with you 3?" Jake shook his head confused.

"Because of trust, open ness (probably not  a word), respect!" Matt spat.

"You guys broke trust because you lied saying it was video games or something. You weren't open because this was all a secret and you didn't respect us for not telling us." Carter proved all points.

"Guys this wasn't that big a deal, it was just one quick song before the show ended." Jack got in between us and them. There he was saving Jake...yet again.

"Why are you looking out for this kid? You don't even know him!" I pointed at Jake but he knew who I was talking about.

"Because he's a new member! He's been with us for 9 days, and I knew fights like this would happen over him...", "more like because of him!" Matt interupted.

"It is what it is." Jack was so good at staying calm, "But we can't get in fights like this. We're all about to go home and we can't go home angry at eachother. So everyone forgive and forget. Leave the stage behind you and it never happened." He pushed us into the elevator to go back to our rooms.

Jake's POV

I was packing for my trip back to Detroit when I realized I should text my parents and tell them I was comeing home,I flopped down on my bed next to Shawn, he didn't seem to care, and started texting my parents.

Me: I'm coming home tomorrow. Can't wait to see you guys. <3

I returned to packing while I waited for them to text back. Minutes later I felt my phone vibrate.

Mother: Oh no you're not coming home! We told you not to get gay with any of those boys and we saw on the news that you made out with one of them! The agreement was you stayed staight and you come back as of now DON'T COME BACK!

I completely forgot about that and also I thought they were joking and now I realize they were just looking for a reason not to accept me being gay. I didn't even argue with them they weren't going to budge. I just left the room and Shawn didn't chase me because he probably thought I was just going to someone else's room. I closed the door behind and sprinted down the hallway. I didn't even know where I was going. Someone opened their door and I almost ran them over but I couldn't see through the tears but I also didn't care. I turned a corner and flatened myself against the wall and slid down and buried my face in my hands. I was basically homeless I had no where to go and I couldn't stay at the hotel because I didn't have enough money, because Magcon hadn't paid me yet. I sat there with my face in my hands thinking about what I was going to do.

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