High School Trouble

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(Y/N) was a shy, timid, and introverted girl. She always got made fun of by all the popular ones. That was until Indiana Jones came. He quickly became the new jock of the school. All the girls wanted him. All except (Y/N). She couldn't care less about him. One day at school though, would change (Y/N)'s life forever. She was casually walking down the hallway, unnoticed, until someone shoved her against a locker and fell to the floor. She looked up to see jocks laughing and calling her "weak" or "loser".  It drew a crowd around them. (Y/N) didn't know what to do, that's when she noticed someone in the crowd, trying to join the group of jocks.

"Indiana Jones?" (Y/N) whispered to herself. He saw her and ended up hearing her through all the ruckus of the crowd. Indiana tapped on the lead jock's shoulder to get his attention. Once the guy turned around, he was greeted with a painful punch to the jaw. Everyone fell silent. One of the other jocks walked up to Indiana and punched him right in the rib, but he didn't react the way (Y/N) had expected. He straight up kicked him and brought him to the ground. The other jocks ganged up on Indiana. Some people grabbed there phones and recorded the fight. Others tried to join in, but the jocks wouldn't let them. After five minutes of fighting, teachers came and broke it up. Indiana had his face covered with blood, mostly near his lip and nose. The other guys had black eyes, bruises, and one even had a broken jaw. (Y/N) had immediately left the scene and to the restroom.    

Even though he shouldn't have, Indiana followed (Y/N) into the restroom, unnoticed. When he walked in, it was silent for five seconds, then he heard silent sobs coming from the last stall. Unsure of himself, Indiana silently walked to the stall and knocked on the door.
"If it's Ms. Florence, I wanna talk to you, if your not, then go away."
"But (Y/N), it's me; Indiana Jones!" (Y/N) was in shock. Why was a boy in the girls restroom? Why was he trying to talk to her?
"Look (Y/N), I'm sorry for what happened back there. I didn't mean for it to turn out like that. I only tried to protect you."
"Why though? You only waisted your energy. I'm used to them doing that. Everyone does that, so whatever your trying to do with me, ain't gonna work. Especially if you wanna keep your popularity." (Y/N) was now trying hard not to scream at him. She hardly even knew the guy and already felt like strangling him. But why? Was it because he made everything worse? Or was it because she started feeling something towards him?
"Can I come in at least? I just wanna talk." Indiana had a bit of sincerness in his voice. Almost like he was being apoligetic. (Y/N) got up and unlocked the stall. Indiana hesitated, but walked in anyways and without thinking pulled her into a hug. (Y/N) didn't know how to react, so she stood there, dumbfounded. He let her go and sat on the floor with her after a while.
"I really am sorry about what happened in the hallway. I just wanted to stand up for you, I had no idea that those guys were gonna come back like that. If I'd known, I would've grabbed you and ran." There was a silent pause. It stayed silent until (Y/N) broke it.
"Y-y-you would run off with me?" (Y/N) couldn't believe what was just said, and neither did Indiana. He hadn't realized what came out of his mouth until he heard what she said. Indiana couldn't find the words to explain what he actually meant. He just sat on the bathroom floor across from (Y/N), staring at her face, taking in her features; her glistening (E/C) eyes, her light pink trembling lips, her (H/C) hair  falling perfectly down to her shoulders. He couldn't help himself but smile.
"She's so beautiful!" Indiana thought to himself. And without thinking, leaned over and placed his lips on (Y/N)'s trembling lips. It was a soft, tender kiss. (Y/N), lost in the feeling, closed her eyes and kissed him back. They stayed there like that for ten seconds when Indiana broke off the kiss. (Y/N) was smiling and blushing, which was new for her.
"You should do that more."
"Do what?"
"Smile. You look prettier."

---------3 weeks since the Bathroom scene------------

"Oh my god, did you here? Indiana Jones is dating that freak girl!" was the new buzz around school. And yes, it was true. Indiana Jones is dating (Y/N). She looked so much happier to. The jocks that were bullying (Y/N) were expelled and Indiana only had a two day suspension. And no one ever messed with her again, or else Indiana would probably end up teaching them a lesson.
"Hey sweetie, how was class?" Indiana asked.
"It was as usual, boring. I thing Mr. Oliver is being boring on purpose." They both laughed.
"Yea, gym was, well, gym. I'm just excited for the end of the day!"
"Why is that, Indy?"
"Archaeology class with Professor Ford. He's great."
"But not as great as your gonna be, right?" Indy chuckled.
"Sure babe."

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