Where My Demons Hide

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It was 3 am in the morning. Indy was asleep in his quiet dark room. He suddenly woke up with a powerful jerk. Sweat dripped from his face and onto his blanket. He wiped his face and shook his head.

"It was just a dream." he thought to himself. He tried to fall back asleep but couldn't, so he decided to get up and walked around the house for a little bit. He was careful to get out of bed. He didn't want to wake up his girlfriend, Isabelle. She felt him get up and woke up. She didn't want him to know so she faked still being asleep until he left the room. Indy walked into the living room and sat on the couch. He started to stare at random objects until his eyes laid upon a black box. He'd never noticed it and walked over to it. He reached his arm out to grab it but pulled it back when he heard footsteps. He grabbed the closest object and went into a throwing position. He lowered his arm when he saw that it was only Isabelle.

"What's in your hand?" she asked very tiredly. Indy looked at his hand to see the box,

"Uhm, it's nothing baby, go back upstairs. I'll be there in a minute." he said. Isabelle nodded and rubbed her eyes before giving him a hug and going back up to their room. Indy waited until she was upstairs to open the box. He slowly slid the lid off the box to reveal a small black shadow. He opened it all the way when the shadow began floating. It rose until it was even with Indy's face. It started coming closer to him to where it was barely touching his nose. Indy backed away slowly to try to get away from it, but it was to late. The shadow had touched his nose. Indy opened his mouth to scream in terror but the shadow entered his mouth and Indy didn't want to wake Isabelle up if she was already asleep. Indy felt the shadow move throughout his body until it stopped in the middle of his chest. Isabelle was waiting for him for what was over a minute and decided to check on Indy. She put on her robe and walked downstairs, more awake then the previous time. She walked into the living room and saw Indy sitting on the floor, his back facing her. She walked over to him and placed her hand on his shoulder. He didn't look up at her and instead sat there and grumbled something Isabelle couldn't hear.

"Are you okay?" she asked him. Indy didn't answer. She asked him one more time, a little more forceful before he stood up and looked her in the eyes. He looked pissed off and it scared Anna. She'd never seen him this way before. She started backing away with her hands close to her face in case he did anything. Indy stared at her deeply. His eyes dark and a different color than his usual hazel tint. Anna looked more deeper into his eyes. Something wasn't right with him. Isabelle lost eye contact with him and looked on the floor for the box. It was open. She attempted to grab the box from off the floor but Indy stopped her by stepping on her hand. She yelped in pain as he put more pressure on her hand. He stopped until he heard a crushing noise then moved his foot. Isabelle looked at her hand one time and ran upstairs. He followed her up the stairs and into their bedroom. Isabelle shut the door and locked it. She had tears threatening to spill out but she held them back.

"This is my fault." she thought to herself as loud thuds came from the other side off the door. Isabelle took a deep breath before walking to the door. She unlocked it with her good hand and opened it.

"This is it," she thought to herself, "it's the only to rid of this." Indy came in very slowly, it sent chills down Isabelle's back. She waited till he was away from the door to shut it again. He heard it shut and snapped his head in her direction. He creepily smiled as he began walking in her direction. Isabelle lost controls of her tears as they began falling. She looked at the wall, then at her dresser. She rushed to it and opened a drawer. She went to grab something until Indy lunged at her and attacked her. He grabbed her with a tight grip and lifted her off the ground. He walked her over to their bed and slammed her against the mattress. Isabelle attempted to get up from the impact but couldn't. Indy ran out the room and down the stairs. Isabelle caught her breath from being thrown onto their bed and ran out the door following Indy. She went downstairs to and heard no noise. She remembered the box and went into the living room. She grabbed the box and tucked in her pajama pants. She heard a crash in the kitchen and sneakily walked towards the room. She stretched her head out enough to see the kitchen becoming a mess. Then a horrid screech came somewhere. Isabelle didn't know where because she covered her ears. Isabelle examined the room more and saw Indy standing on the table with his clothes missing. She knew she was in a serious situation, but she couldn't help but smile at the site of her boyfriend shirtless with only boxers on. She looked more around the room and saw all of the windows shattered and all the drawers pulled out and onto the floor. Isabelle could hear Indy saying something, but she couldn't make it out. It was in the rhythm of some sort of chant. Isabelle leaned more into the kitchen to hear better.

"When you feel my heat, look into my eyes, it's where my demons hide. It's where my demons hide." he said. Isabelle knew that was from a song, but didn't know why he was saying it. She had thought of it for a while before thinking of what he actually meant. She grabbed the box from out her pocket and walked in front of him. Hid eyes were closed and he looked so focused into his little chant. She got his attention by quietly picking up a handful of nearby silverware and throwing them on the ground. Indy's eyes flew open and looked in the direction of the crash. In that moment, Isabelle opened the box and faced the opened side to Indy. She forced the box closer and closer to him as he swatted it away. She got slapped in the face a couple of times, but it was worth it; she had to save Indy. No matter the cost. When it got close enough to him she started a ritual that was to rid the shadow from it's victim. She spoke the poem from the box multiple times while stomping a special rhythm. After 15 minutes of the ritual, a dark light was beginning to show out from him. She continued, with more hope and more authority. Eventually, the shadow was completely out of Indy and back into the box. Isabelle immediately closed the box and sealed it shut with layers of duck tape. She turned on the garbage disposal and dropped the small box in it and watched it shred to pieces. Isabelle turned round after hearing a thud and saw her boyfriend on the ground. She ran to him to make sure he was alright.  She turned him over on his back and saw that he was breathing heavily. 

"Indy? Are you alright? Please answer me! Indy?" Isabelle pleaded. No response. She tried again and no response.  

"Indy, please. Give me something. Anything!" she cried out. Her vision started to become blurry with tears. Isabelle didn't try to hold the tears back, and let them fall. She sat there on the floor, crying while her boyfriend lay there in her arms. It was almost 5:30 am before she felt movement in her arms. She wiped her tears and looked down at Indy. He started coughing and opened his eyes. Isabelle started to smile as Indy woke up from his unconsciousness. 

"Wh-wh-what happened? Where am I?" he asked her.

"It's okay Indy. You're okay," Isabelle reassured him, "you found a box and opened it. Then somehow, you kinda......got possessed by a demon." 

"What the hell," Indy looked very confused. He looked down and saw him with no clothes on, "where are my clothes? What happened to your hand?" Isabelle remembered her crushed hand. It looked deformed and swollen.

"I don't know what happened to your clothes. But I do know what happened to my hand." Isabelle began explaining everything that happened while he was "out of it". After she was done telling him he chuckled and sat up.

"That's a nice story. But seriously what happened." They both laughed and sat there on the floor for the rest of the night.

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