Feeling Something New

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(A/N) Listen to the song while reading this one. It works out in the ending kind of.

Jessica was sitting at the bar, trying to forget the previous argument she had with her father. She was on her second mug of beer before she started crying in anger, betrayal, and in confusion. She was so lost now. Her father had kicked her out of his home and had abused her throughout her childhood. All Jessica wanted was to end her life right then and there. She picked up her mug and put the rim up to her lips. She took a big breath before chugging the entire mug. When the mug was empty, she slammed the glass down on the table in satisfaction. The bartender walked over to her.

"Are you alright? I couldn't help but notice you crying earlier."

"I guess I'm not okay. My father just kicked me out after an argument we had earlier today. It's just been a lot of stress for me. He abused me throughout my childhood along with my mother,"Jessica sniffed her nose before continuing her story to the bartender," I just wish my mother was here now. She died in a car crash when I was fifteen years old. I blamed the crash on my father. He was drinking and driving when it happened. It was his fault! It should've been him who died, not my mother!" Jessica was now yelling in anger. She wasn't upset with  the bartender, far from it. She was angry with her father. 

"I'm sorry to hear this miss. What's you name anyways?" the bartender asked.

"Jessica," she said flatly, "what's yours?" the bartender smiled and looked down at the table.

"Well Jessica, I'm Henry, but my friends call me Indiana." Jessica nodded her head and looked at her empty mug.

"Your not like my regulars here. They're usually more loud and on there fifth or sixth round by now. And your more ....quiet and slow with the rounds. I've noticed that about you the more you come in." Jessica smiled and looked up at Indiana. She has been here at the bar lately, because of her father. To her, the bar was a safe haven.

"Is it okay if I call you Indiana?" Jessica asked, Indiana nodded and excused himself for a quick second to fill someones glass. He came back with a sticky note. 

"If you need anything here's my number. It was nice talking to you, but my shift is over." Indiana said and with that, he walked out the door. Jessica sighed and paid the new bartender and walked out the door. 


Jessica moved in with a friend while she was trying to find a new place to live. Ever since the night at the bar with Indiana, Jessica couldn't get him out of her head. She looked at the note he had given her and decided to call him. It rang for a few seconds before Indiana answered.


Hey, it's Jessica, from the bar." 

Oh, hey Jessica. How have you been?"

"I've been...not well. I moved in with my friend for the time being. I was wondering of you wanna meet up or something?"

"Sure, were at?"

"Anywhere is fine."

"Okay, so how about my place?"

"That sounds good. Thank you Indiana." 

"No problem Jessica. See you tonight?"

"Sure." and then they both hung up. Jessica couldn't help but smile. So much was going on around her, she needed some peace in her life. And for some reason, Indiana gave her that peace.  Jessica got off of her bed and dressed in comfortable yet cute clothing. She didn't want to admit it to herself or anyone else, but she liked Indiana. 


Indiana and Jessica sat there for a while just talking and learning more about each other. Apparently, both of them had deceased mothers and moved away from their fathers. Indiana had always dreamed of being an Archaeologist, but never had the opportunity to. Jessica had always wanted to be an artist, she was a good artist, but her father didn't let her go anywhere to get the education or experience. Indiana felt almost sorry. He's been with plenty of women, but Jessica was different. Her situation and everything affected him more than he thought it did.

"Indy, are you alright? You look like your daydreaming." Jessica said. Indiana snapped out if his stare and looked at Jessica in the eyes. He saw the sadness and anger she had.

"I'm fine," he told her, "I guess I'm just worried about you. Honestly, being abused and thrown out. It's horrible!" Indiana began ranting on and on about how wrong it was and how sorry he felt for her. He finally stopped when Jessica softly placed her hand on his cheek. 

"It's okay Indy. What happened with my father is in the past. And I'm never going back. Ever. The night I was at the bar. I wanted to kill myself. But when you began talking to me, my viewpoint was changed. Thank you." While Jessica was talking Indiana had subconsciously made the gap between them smaller. Jessica noticed the gap and smiled. 

"Can I-?" Indiana tried to ask her something but was stopped when she pressed her lips on to his. To Jessica's surprise, he kissed her back. 

"This feels so real. I haven;t felt this way in a long time." Jessica thought to herself as the kiss came to an end. Indiana looked at her and smirked. Jessica looked at him in a new way. Not in a new-friend-who-saved-me kind of way. She now looked at him as a lover.

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