Jealousy is Best Seen in a Jungle

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Author's Note- this was requested by @RubyRose226 Hope you all enjoy!

     Victoria "Zoe" Walker was a good friend of Indy's. They had been teaching at Marshall college for two years. They both had feelings for each other, but only admitted it once when Zoe first started teaching. She taught Biological Anthropology while Indy taught 101 Archaeology. They both had chemistry, but swore against a serious relationship until things were simpler. Well, that was about to change, and it all happened in a jungle and a blondie.

     Indy had invited Zoe to come with him to Shanghi. He had some business with a Chinese mafia boss, Lao Che. He knew Zoe was tough and wanted her to be there in case any tom-foolery occured. They had a plan to meet at the Pan American Airways System. Indy had met her there late at night, rushing to the plane, with a small boy and blonde woman in toll. Zoe raced to catch up with him and climbed in the plane seconds before Indy shut the door.

     "Indy, what the heck is going on?" she asked in a frustrated tone. Indy began opening his mouth but was interrupted when a blonde girl screamed, "Chickens! I cannot with this!" and ran to the pilots. Zoe scoffed as she ran over her foot and almost chased her, but Indy held her back and pulled her into him.

     "I'm making this summary short. The blondie is Willie, she's annoying and acts like a little princess. Don't expect much help from her," Zoe nodded to make a mental note," I got poisoned in the club and she found the antidote and wouldn't give it to me in the club. We had to escape out of a window and fell into the rental car and I got the antidote." Zoe nodded once again and looked down to see Shortround. She waves and he waves back. Indy starts heading in the back to change into his normal attire. He came back out and tossed his clothes to Willie, "Here, change into these so you don't ruin your dress." Willie looked up and almost laughed, " And what are you suppose to be a lion tamer?" Zoe's ears tuned into the banter and smiled. The plane goes silent when Indy falls asleep.


     After the plane crashed and the small group had been floating on the river for hours, they found land, and a Villager. They all followed him to their village, where villagers instanly came praying and gretting them. Zoe looked around and saw a very small number of children. Then she moved her head and saw Willie all over Indy, trying to get the villagers off her. She rolled her eyes and began converstating with a few villagers as she was being led into a small hut. There, the group was given food, information about the village, and a blessing. Out of the four, Zoe enjoyed it most. Indy and Willie kept arguing and Shortround was tense the whole time. The priest of the village talked Indy into going on a hunt for their Sacred Stones, and the next morning, the group was off on an unforgetful journey.

As Willie and Zoe became more aquantied, the both realized that they hate each other. Willie got jealous everytime Zoe and Indy would talk, and Zoe would get irritated when Willie was petty, or flirting with Indy. Late one night, Zoe confronted Willie about this matter. She had waited until Willie had come back to the camp from her "bath". Indy and Shortround were distracted with an intense game of poker.
"Hey, Willie? I think we need to talk," Zoe said some-what confidentaly, "this tension between us is ridiculous. It's annoying and not good for this trip. We need to set our differences aside and agree that I should be with Indy." Willie looked shocked. Her expression went from surprised, to angry.
"Excuse you! I don't think so. You have no right to come up to me like that and violate me. Just you wait, when we get back to America, I will run your name through mud." Zoe kept a calm tone, but her face was showing anger,
"I'll have you know Indy and I dated once. And I miss it every single time I see him! Everything between us was perfect, but then you randomly show up and our "relationship" is caught off guard! I'm sick of you Blondie!" Zoe became furious. She hadn't realized she was yelling until Indy came behind her and put a hand on her shoulder.
"Wait, you two dated," Zoe and Indy nodded in unison, "Oh! So that explains why your being a pain in the vocal cords, your jealous of me. Your worried I'm gonna steal him from you." Willie harshly stabbed Zoe's sternum. Indy rolled his eyes and cleared his throat,
"Willie stop! Your being a pain in the ass and your such a headache." Zoe went to open her mouth, but then Willie stormed off to the opposite side of the camp.
"Hey, where are you going?" Zoe asked. Willie sat down near a rock,
"I'd rather sleep with a snake then near you too." she hissed. And as if on cue, a snake slithered down near her head. Indy stumbled backwards and Zoe smirked. That was when Willie felt the snake hit her shoulder. She thought it was the elephant,
"I said... cut it out!" Willie grabbed the snake and threw it towards Indy, unintentionally. Indy yelled in fear and Zoe laughed. Everything was going to be fine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2020 ⏰

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