Class Has Started

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It was a boring, but bright Wednesday afternoon at Marshall College. The only reason why it was boring was because it was Dr. Jones Archaeology 101 class. He was hardly ever there and when he was, it was boring. At least for some people. Most of the girls weren't even paying a bit of attention. They were to busy daydreaming what a date with Dr. Jones would be like. At least that's what (Y/N) was doing. And that's exactly what she got. The first half of class was it's normal casual self, students turning in homework and asking questions. (Y/N) wanted to ask Dr. Jones about someyhing, but was to nervous to.
"If anyone is holding a question, it needs to be asked now before we continue with today's lesson." Dr. Jones announced. Mostly looking towards (Y/N) during that. He saw she wanted something, but didn't know what that something was. (Y/N) slowly raised her hand.
"Dr. Jones, can I talk to you after class?" Dr. Jones looked down at his desk for a quick second then looked back up at her.
"Sure, (Y/N)!" And with that, he started teaching about a Chinese artifact that was made in the 12th century.

-End of Class-

(Y/N) walked from her desk to the front of Dr. Jones' desk. She waits there for a moment while he finishes assigning the homework for the day. He turns from the doorway to (Y/N) and gives her a puzzled look.
"Is everything okay?" Dr. Jones asked. He had a sense of curiosity in his voice.
"I-I was actually wondering if-if you could help me one on one with something?" She stuttered. She was only hoping for a possible date with him.
"Uh, sure. What about?" There were so many things going through (Y/N)'s head that she couldn't think. But she subconsciously blushed which gave Dr. Jones a hint at what she wanted.
"(Y/N), your a good student, one of my best in fact. I don't think your asking for help about class. I think your trying to ask me something... such as maybe a... date." He accented that last word. (Y/N) began slowly nodding her head in confirmation. Dr. Jones started chuckling at her response.
"Okay, how about this, I'll do it if, and only if, you don't tell anyone. Got it?"
"Got it. So when will be a good time?" (Y/N) couldn't believe she was actually getting what she had been dreaming of.
"Anytime is fine. Where do you wanna go (Y/N)?" (Y/N)'s mind began filing with ideas. A nice restraunt? A diner? Her apartment? His place? The last idea sent chills throughout her spine.
"Wherever is easiest?" (Y/N) was unsure of that answer. She had hoped that Dr. Jones would decide that for them.
"How about my place?" he offered while writing down the address.
"Okay, see you then I guess." (Y/N) began walking towards the door when he called out to her.
"6pm (Y/N)!"


(Y/N) began walking towards her professors door. She was nervous about tonight. She walked onto his front porch and rang the door bell. A few seconds later, the door opens and Dr. Jones stood in the doorway. He had a pleasent smile on his face. (Y/N) smiled trying hard not to blush.
"Hello (Y/N), you look lovely tonight."
"Oh, thank you Dr. Jo-"
"Please, call me Indiana." he cut her off. (Y/N) closed her mouth and nodded. Indiana led her into his dining area and pulled out a chair for her. The food was already laid out on the table, along with silverware and wine glasses. She sat down and Indiana sat across her. There was an awkward moment of silence when Indiana broke the silence.
"So what do you do when your not in classes?"
"Well I have a part time job as a music instructor and I love volenteering at the animal shelter." (Y/N) began to talk about some of the animals she saved and the children she teaches. Indiana stared at her in amazement.
"What about you? What's your story?" Her question snapped him out of his trance.
"Well, I'm an archaeologist which is why I'm not at school all the time." Indiana looked clueless on what to say. Luckily, (Y/N) had helped him talk about something,
"So you've been on some adventures? How interesting! Can you tell me some?" (Y/N) was really enthusiastic about this. She really wanted to hear more about him.
"Okay. I was in Peru, I was in search for the Chachapoyan Ferlitlty Idol. I brought a couple of natives with me as guides. One of them tried to betray and  shoot me but I heard him and pulled my whip out on him. He got scared off and abandoned us. Which was fine, he wasn't doing much. There was one guy left, he managed to stay awhile. I came upon an entrance to an ancient temple. I entered in first, then the other guy followed me in. We lit a torch and went further into the spider infested corridor," (Y/N) shuddered at the mention of spiders. She hated them. Indiana noticed and asked if she was okay and she shook her head,
"I'm arachniphobic." (Y/N) said solemnly. She really didn't like the fact that she had told him about her fear, but she did.
"Oh, well I can stop if you want. I can finish the story tomorrow after class if you would like?"
"No its fine, I'll get over it." (Y/N) did a little laugh in reassurance. Indiana continued with his story,
"So the guy and I were halfway down to the abandoned hallways when things started to feel suspicious. I stopped him and told him to stay out of the patch of light that was there. I stuck my hand in the light and spikes emerged from the wall." Indiana stopped. He looked like he lost his train of thought. Which was nothing new to (Y/N) to see. He does that a lot in class. He got up and moved to the chair next to her, and as he sat down, he cupped (Y/N)'s face in his hands. Indiana started to lean over  towards her. (Y/N) didn't realize what was happening until his lips met hers. She kissed him back, with so much going through her mind. She had butterflies in her stomach forming and her heart racing. Her palms became sweaty and she mentally broke into her happy dance. After a few silent, long seconds, they broke the kiss.
"I've been wanting to do that since the first day you walked into my class." Indiana states, then he kissed her again. (Y/N) welcomed the kiss by my kissing him back again. It was a soft peck. Indiana made eye contact with her and put her hands in his, not breaking the contact.
"So now what?" (Y/N) asked, anxious of what's to come.
"Uhm, well, I have been wanting to ask you this for a while," he paused, taking in a deep breath.
"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" (Y/N)'s jaw dropped and laughed.
"Of course I will!"

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