He took a deep breath and stretched out his arm as far as he can reach. We could see that He was somewhere on the west side, not so far, of the Village after he ran away.
If one would describe He, he's a shadow of a young hero-in-the-making. The likes of those other action adventure stories wherein the hero starts as a young lad without powers, without anything. That's He, but in looks only (again, in looks only). He only looks like one.
He talks valiantly but sometimes spurts out lame jokes in the wrong moment.
A well-proportioned face with a fearsome eyebrow. His dark green hair is like a hero in an anime. His dark green eyes, which resembles his hair, are so alive. But, don't be deceived by the looks, for yet again, he only looks like a hero-in-the-making.
But one thing is for sure; though his strength is not like of a hero, but his heart is like one. A heart with full of care and justice. Truly, he is a good jolly fellow which none will be in denial.
He wears a tucked-in simple dark moss green camesa-de-tsino which is not so wide and yet not so fit, for his small muscles can still be noticed (again, his well-built body is for looks only; has not enough strength at all).
His hands & feet are covered with beige bandages which forms like gloves and sacks. And his footwear is just a plain enclosed dark brown shoe without laces and sole.
He has this small bole brown backpack on his back as big as his torso, where its handles are buckled up fitly around his arms.
He's also wearing a simple bistre brown pants which is folded at its ends. A rope serves as the belt, tied in an embroidery-like emblem of a sheep. Everyone in the Village has these rope emblems which determines their family...
Now, let us first talk about these significant emblems of the Village. Think of it as your ID's in school. It determines a Villager's family, class, and school.
There are three circles in an emblem. First is the big circle which determines their family's symbol. At the bottom right, a small symbol of their class. And at the bottom left, an even smaller symbol of their school.
He's big circle is embroidered with a sheep's face, his bottom right is like a hand, and his bottom left is just a plain circle.
You see, not everyone in the Village are foragers and hunters only. They have five classes: Foragers, Hunters, Builders, Collectors, and Overseers. For everyone in the Village, even the young ones and the babies, have a destined class. But, when they come to the right age, they can certainly retain or change their class permanently.
Forager's symbol in the emblem is like a foot, Hunter's is like a torso, Builder's' is like a bicep, Collector's is like a hand, and Overseer's is like an eye.
Foragers are the ones in charge of nurturing and harvesting farms. Hunters are strong and skilled at taming and hunting beasts. Builders are the ones that plans, builds, and maintain the Village's surroundings, especially the prism houses and its sanctuaries, the plumbing and the drainage. Overseers maintains the order and decisions, especially the equal sharing of loots. And the Collectors collect or gather anything they see, which may be used as materials for every needs of a class. And they are like the helpers of the four other classes.
Songs Of Psalmist (What Is My Purpose)
AdventureBe still, care to listen to the songs of The Psalmist where it all began? Girl and Boy are siblings from a simple family of farmers in the Philippines. Girl entered the Forbidden Pass, and was lost in a new world... Fire, a dragon-like beast, brough...