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Ch. 1 Part 1 Charlotte’s POV

        “Come on Charlie. This-THIS - is normal. THIS is good.” Maggie said throwing her arm in the air to indicate the small café we were in. It was quaint and a place we used to frequent. The fresh doughy bakery smell of breads and sweets lifted on invisible currents to grace our noses and I took a sip of my hot chocolate watching outside the wide windows at the damp and dreary day. The window glass was streaked with rain drops as I leaned against the back of my chair that was resting against the wall. We sat at a table towards the back of the café. Maggie’s back facing the viewing glass of fresh baked goods and I across from her by the corner where the glass casing met the warmly painted walls and linoleum flooring.

It’s been two weeks since I caught Chris cheating. This was my first time out of my house and I came just to please Maggie and so that she would stop pestering me about it. She was trying to be sweet but I could tell I was starting to annoy her.

“Do you want a chocolate croissant?” she asked her silky voice soft.

“No thanks.” I replied watching outside. A group of three men quickly huddled inside the café from outside. One of them was shaking the rain off his cap before stepping inside completely and tucking his hat away.

“But you love chocolate croissants.” Maggie said and I turned to look at her. She was beautiful. Dark chocolate hair and eyes to match, smooth skin, curvy figure, perfect hugging and kissing size. She was perfect.

“I don’t want one.” I said and Maggie rolled her eyes pushing her heavy hair behind her ear. She stared down into her tea cup.

“When are you going to realize how bad he was for you in the first place? The son of a bitch never loved you.” Maggie whispered and I stood up. She looked up from her cup to meet my eyes, “Come on Charlie.” Maggie said and I looked back at the window setting my cup down on the table.

“I’m going to go now.” I said and Maggie stood up her chair scraping back.

“Damn it Charlotte! You’re not leaving until we’ve discussed this! You’ve been avoiding it for weeks!!” Maggie yelled at me frustrated. I glared at her and was interrupted by my phone ringing. Sublime’s Caress Me Down rang out and I froze. Only one number had that ring tone, “Charlotte, don’t answer that!!” Maggie yelled but I ignored her as I stared at my phone. It was true. Chris’s name flashed on my phone. I stared at it shocked to my core that he was calling me. I missed the call as I was staring at my phone. I bit my lip trying to determine whether or not I should call him back.

        Moments later my ringer went off again- And it went uhh and the girl caress me down uhh and that’s that lovin sound it went uhh and the girl caress me down uhh and that’s that lovin sound and the girl caress me down. I flipped my phone open and heard Maggie but ignored her as I put the phone to my ear.

“Chris?” I asked my voice sounding breathy even to me.

“Charlotte?” Chris’s rough voice came through the phone and I crossed my free arm across my chest my hand holding my elbow.

“Yes?” I asked softly. Chris’s rough voice started speaking as the phone was yanked from my grasp. I turned about to yell at Maggie when I saw a man instead. He was the one who shook off his wet hat before coming into the shop. He was wearing a grey sweater that fit his broad chest well as I looked up at him. A mop of brown hair sat on his head and blue grey eyes stared down at me.

“Listen. You stop calling my girlfriend or I will find you. You should have realized what you had before you lost her. You need to get out of her life, don’t show your fucking face again before I find you and beat your dumb ass. Okay?” The man said, his voice deep and threatening, “No let me hear you say the words.” The mans’ face was serene as he spoke so violently, “Better. Don’t call back.” He said before he pressed the end button on the phone before closing my phone shut. He held the phone to me and I closed my mouth in anger as I took my phone back from him.

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