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I saw the Queen movie 2 days ago and A Star Is Born yesterday, that movie A Star Is Born made me cry 😭 it's so sad at the end. Also, I posted chapter 11 of my Noah and Jude fanfic couple mins ago (from hit the floor yes)

Basket_Birds: Hey

J_support_K: Hey?

Basket_Birds: how Are you stupid?

J_support_K: what the actual fuck Zero?

Basket_Birds: Look, I'm sorry for going off on you, my ex girlfriend did those things to me and I took my upset and feelings out on you, I'm sorry

J_support_K: I'll give you another chance but if you blew it, then this is the last time we speak. Got it?

Basket_Birds: Yea I got it, I should probably change my username to Devils, if you want

J_support_K: keep it what it is, I don't feel like reading ur account as a devil

Basket_Birds: Do you still like me?

J_support_K: Yea kinda, Why? You really had hurted me

Basket_Birds: what happens if I told you I like you back

J_support_K: I will laugh since you don't actually like me

Basket_Birds: well I do like you

J_support_K: try and date me and we'll see from there

Basket_Birds: deal

Do you think they will last long? Or, do you think something is going to happened?

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