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I added my YouTube video I made ^ 😂  Also, 7 more chapters until this book is over everyone :). I had so much fun making this book tbh, this is the first book I made that is a fanfic that hit over 900 reads which can I say thank you for :). I am going to probably make something like a sequel. Let me know what you guys want tbh. Also 3 more days till my birthday:))) yet I'm still a teenager 😂 yay ( range 13-17, not saying my age)
Remem: heyyyyy, goood morning baby

Remem: babe?

Remem: babe? Is everything alright

Remem: why aren't you texting me?

Remem: I don't think this is working out, I'm sorry

Remem: I think we should break up....

Remem: goodbye Jude

Gone._29: I just woke up, and you want to break up with me like what the actual fuck zero. Did you just leave...why? I thought you loved me.... but I guess the fuck not. I just lost my fucking best friend from suicide. So like wtf

Remem: oh right..Noah

Gone._29: yeah him, what the fuck do you want now?! You don't understand

Remem: maybe I do

Gone._29: maybe you don't! You have no fucking clue what I go though everyday. I had fucking Noah and now he's fucking gone! HAVE YOU NOT SEEN THAT?! No I guess you fucking didn't

Remem: Noah? 🤣 come now. Get over it, he's gone now

Gone._29: excuse me what the fuck did you just say?!


Gone._29: you're so fucking sick

Remem: oh maybe I am ;) but you love me

Gone._29: fuck off zero

<A note that was written by Noah>

Why did this even world fucking exist?! Oh right, I'm just a fuck up, who had to deal with my best friend boyfriend bullying me everyday, treating me like shit and just waiting for me to just give up already and I guess it is my time. I'm sorry to my one best friend...Jude, I'm sorry that I had met let go...I know I promised I wouldn't killing myself but here I am..saying my goodbye so goodbye.... ~ LowLife Noah

2 days later,
Tea: how are you holding up?

Gone._29: not so well..Zero and I broke up I think

Tea: how so?

Gone._29: he and I got an argument because 1. He was spamming me while I was sleeping. And, then 2. He decided he wanted to break up with me like wtf and then he says get over it with the passing of Noah's

Tea: wtf, you can't move on from losing someone right away

Gone._29: THANK YOU!

Tea: want me to talk to him?

Gone._29: If you want 🤷🏽‍♂️

Tea: k
Tea: yolo

Remem: What do you want

Tea: why are you being a dick

Remem: no one said I was 🤣

Tea: mhm

Remem: did like Jude said something to you?

Tea: it doesn't matter if he did or not

Remem: oh yes it does 😂

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2019 ⏰

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