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I'm bisexual, 70% into girls and 30% into boys. Also, I'm going to Ohio in early July, so if you live there, heyy. I'm meeting my ldr girlfriend for the first time. Also, if I keep on repeating edits for the video thingy for each chapter it's because, edits are getting blocked and it just upsets me a lot. Like, my all time favorite edit got blocked and it is so messed up. I even am sorry that I haven't posted this chapter in a long time. I been busy with school and I finished school on June 20th, and I'm busy after school is over. So, that's why I'm going to Ohio in early July then after school is over. Okay, enjoy ~ Casey
Basket: morning

Jel-_-: What do you want?

Basket: I just wanted to tell you that I know a devil girl who likes you

Jel-_-: oh yea?

Basket: Athena

Jel-_-: sure zero, sure

Basket: it's truth tho

Jel-_-: Look I don't believe you since you always lie

Basket: I don't lie to Jude

Jel-_-: Uh yea you did. You lied that you care about Noah but turns out you don't, you want him dead or away from Jude's life

Basket: babe, please

Jel-_-: don't babe me

Basket: fuck you then

Memories: hey, can you call me for a sec? I need to ask you something

Basket: sure

Incoming call from Basket,


Incoming call from Basket,


Incoming call from Basket,


Basket: can you just fucking answer ur phone?! Jeez, you are online and you don't even answer me?! PLUS, you told me to call you?! What the fuck is wrong with you

Incoming call from Basket,


Incoming call from Basket,


Basket: screw you

Basket blocks Memories on Instagram

:Memories New Post:

I got my makeup done and my hair fixed up

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I got my makeup done and my hair fixed up. I am deciding on taking a break on Instagram for while due to my boyfriend getting bullied on Instagram. And, I'm going to be helping my boyfriend with the bullying. I hope y'all understand at this time, alright bye guys for now

Reporter: Love you babe, be safe and careful

Owner: what, you're leaving? Well, I hope you be safe and careful. Love you friend, so glad I met you

Basket: wait what?... I thought you were in a relationship with someone else?

Memories: I believe you have the wrong girl 😂 I'm the girl who texted you yesterday about you know

Basket: oh then, fuck you

Owner: heyyyyy

Reporter: heyyyy

Memories: heyyyyy

Owner: how are you both?

Reporter: exhausted

Memories: same, wbu?

Owner: same 😂

Reporter: Abbie, I love you 😘

Memories: I love you too 💜

Owner: my boyfriend never texted me I love you yet to me :(

Memories: fuck him

Reporter: listen to what Abigail says

Owner: I been 😂

Memories: 🖕🏽 Jude

Owner: what did I do? 😂

Reporter: for being the best friend I ever could wish for

Memories: same thing that Noah said

Owner: thanks guys :)

Reporter: who's going to sleep first?

Owner: Abbie

Memories: 🤣 real funny Jude

Owner: it's the truth 😂

Reporter: ohhhhh Jude roasted you

Owner: seeee your bf believes me

Memories: 🖕🏽 Noah and Jude

Owner: we love you too Abbie

Reporter: that is correct 😚

Memories: 🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽 to zero

Reporter: I agree

Owner: what did you mean in your post that Noah is getting bullied? Who's bullying you Noah?

Memories: Zero

Reporter: ur bf, I'll send you screenshots

Memories: same me too

Owner: later, I'm heading to sleep now

Memories: same, go masterbate noah then sleep

Reporter: ewww fuck no 😂 but I'm going to sleep now also

Owner: we 3 + Lionel should go out to eat tomorrow for breakfast

Memories: oh yesssssss

Reporter: yessssss

Owner: alright, I'll go text her. Night

Reporter: night

Memories: night

Noah - bisexual
Abigail/Abbie - straight
Jude - gay
Zero - queer (in the show he is, it was confirmed)
Lionel - polysexual
Athena - lesbian
Jelena - bisexual but more straight by 60%
Oscar - straight as a stick (😂)
And, the rest will be added later on

Hope you all enjoy this chapter and if you are wondering yes, Noah and Abbie/Abigail are going to stay a couple

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