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If I ever write Noah and Jude like them flirting or anything, do not think this whole fanfic is all about them, it's all about Zero and Jude in the first place. So, please just don't think, "oh, great. It's about them. I thought this was a Zero and Jude fanfic" Also, in the beginning after season 3 ep 10, I left the fandom of Zero and Jude. Even though, the shower scene of ep 11 is my #1 favorite scene. I became a fan of them (Zero and Jude) again when the shower scene happened. I became a Noah and Jude fan right when they met again aftermath of their scene. That was season 4 ep 1. My favorite all time ep of Zero and Jude is Season 3, episode 8. And, for Noah and Jude, Season 4 episode 5. But, yea that's all I have to say, hope you all enjoy this chapter. ~ Casey

P.S. Tomorrow morning there will be no update since I have to go to my grandfather funeral in the morning. So, Long Chapter (finally I know) And, besides I'm exhausted but I am making this chapter long, so you better be happy because there will be spelling errors and I apologize
Basket_Birds: of course, by reading ur username, that is you

Report_Broad~: Whatever Zero. Out of context, why did you think you and Jude were never together?

Basket_Birds: simple of course. Like, he's immature and kinda pushy. Like did you even see his new ig post?! It's so immature of him

Report_Broad~: you have to realize he loves you still, and it's not immature of him. You broke his heart, and all I and Lionel been doing is trying to help Jude get out of depression

Basket_Birds: and you are telling me this because?

Report_Broad~: Because, he's in love with you still. And, he's never going to be able to move on because you made him happy. More happy then before

Basket_Birds: I really don't care about his feelings. He could fall in love with me all he wants but I'm not his winning heart. He's for you, you are into him still so go for him

Report_Broad~: I moved on from liking him. And, besides I'm dating Danny

Basket_Birds: The guy who takes pictures? Basically, photo assistant

Report_Broad~: Yea, you know him?

Basket_Birds: no not really, he follows all the basketball teams like the devils and my team Birds

Report_Broad~: Hm okay

Basket_Birds: I gotta go. I'll see you on Thursday

Report_Broad~: K


"Hey there. I got us coffee" Noah walked in Jude's office with 2 cups of coffee in his hand

"Thanks. So, how's everything with Danny and you?" Jude asked as he got up from sitting down on his desk chair

"Fine I guess. It's not really the same anymore. I mean, our relationship was different than his and mine" Noah walked over to Jude. He scratched Jude's hair

"Really? Oh wow" Jude smiled brightly as he grabbed his coffee

"Yeah and besides, Danny is in Canada for a week and I have to go to Ohio in a week" Noah groaned and sighed softly

"Oh shit. I'm sorry" Jude quietly laughed at the last sentence of Noah's. "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't even laugh"

"Oh it's fine!" Noah replied, hugging Jude

"I miss our hugs"

"Bitch, we had a hug yesterday and " Noah hugged back. "Actually, I do also"

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