chapter 8 devour of light

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Harrison's P.O.V

Den had backed off of snow after she'd healed herself. But we'd been thrown in to darkness it wasn't hard to find snow due to her light hair and jacket "boltflare" i called letting the the area be lit by a soft orangy-red glow. It lit up a large cave around us the walls were covered in scratchy drawings and unfamiliar words. "this feels like a tomb" I heard my brothers voice whisper from somewhere off to the left of the cave. "I have a bad feeling...." I had been caught off guard by the tone in snow's voice it was far more serious than I'd ever heard from her. I watched as she walked past me to the carvings on the walls she ran her hand over them as if I'd give her some insight on what they meant. "Guy! You need to see this!" Den's voice called as it echoed off the cave walls making it nearly impossible to figure out where den was. "Den? Where are you?" I called accidently startling snow who jumped like a cat. "Err sorry snow" I stated mildly amused "it's fine it was a necessity." She stated softly suddenly there was a hand on my shoulder and i jumped as i twisted around i reached for my amulets only to find my brother. "You will not believe what I found" he stated he seemed almost scared. "Do I want to know?" I asked and snow answered "trust me I wish I didn't." She mumbled looking around we both looked at her with counfoison. "What?" She asked "how do you know about the skeletons?" Den asked she gave him a confused look "I-I" she was interrupted by a burnett nearly landing on top of her she causing her to squeak and pin herself to the wall. "Ha so this is where you two ran off too" he stated proudly. "Three" I corrected as I pointed to snow. "Hello you must be snow" chimed someone else, this caused the larger man to turn around. "Well hello!" His voice boomed as he saw her and we got to see the red head he was carrying like a ragdoll. "Hey tersly" den chimed the man adjusted his glasses before being roughly set down. Suddenly zhalia lok and sophie dropped down. "Good you're all intact." Zhalia stated harshly despite the tone I could tell she was relieved, "what on earth where you three thinking! Going into a whole without telling anyone" sophie snapped clearly upset "to be fair we didn't plan to fall in to the whole" den said calmly there was a yelp and then a grunt of pain the buff man now had a scorch mark on his back and snow was on the floor wide eyed den "what happened?" Den asked " I guess i startled her." The man mumbled "that doesn't look like a normal bolt flare" tersly said inspecting the burns "sorry..." snow mumbled. Tersly seemed absolutely excited about it.
Part two
Den's P.O.V
Suddenly a roar echoed through the caves, Tersly yelped and hid behind Montahue, "that sounds like a mighty titan perfect for my collection," he grinned "Titans are not some prize to collect," Snow stated as she walked off in the other way that I'd come from, "Snow? Where are you going?" Zhalia asked following her, "In any game the right way out is where the boss is, so the way out is guarded by the titan," She chimed "What? You are applying gaming logic to real life? That's going to get you killed" Sophie scolded "Well there isn't a lot of other opinions since that way is full of skeletons so that's our best bet." I said trailing after the blond soon enough as we walked down the seemingly endless caves something small flew by and took out our lights, "What?!" Tersly yelped "Ouch who through the rock?" Lok asked "no buddy throw a rock." my brother stated, things quickly turned to chaos until we heard a high pitch yelp followed by a rumbling and stones falling we relight our lights and raced down the cave to find the source of the rumbling we buzzed around the corner and as the light Illuminated snow was curled up in a small hole in the wall as some stone monster it whipped around when the light hit it, "Turn out the your lights" Snow exclaimed as the floating head thing turned around it had sharp fangs though it looks like it's made of stone I put my light out but it lunged at us anyway I barely missed getting hit I felt the air rush past me and watched as it attacked montahue who hadn't moved and he started trying to fight it this was going to end badly if we don't do something quickly, "Light our path firefox!" Snow's voice called out as the flaming fox materialized the titan swiveled around and launched at the burning titan who bolted down the cave away from all of us. As snow slipped out "I know where it's amulet is but it's attracted to light and I can't get close enough to do anything." Snow sighed, looking the way the titan had run I could still faintly see how it's light carried, "Don't wander off on your own" Zhalia grumbled I could hear the worry hidden by her annoyance, "I may not be able to use powers but I can still handle myself." snow said as she dusted herself off, "So where is the amulet?" Asked tersly, snow shook her head "to ceiling comes down to nearly den's height and the walls close in close enough together that nobody other than the boys and I thought you might fit," she stated I could hear someone sigh and than sophie spoke up "I don't think we have a choice." She didn't sound pleased, Snow smiled "alright boys follow me." she stated as she lead the way.

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